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Monday, April 16, 2018

United States, Chinese, Russian Militaristic Economic Geo-Positioning in the World Now, The Answer is a Free Globalization of the World

It is all about the oil, gas pipeline controls. Iran and Russia have been making in rows to Iraq and Syria. Russian bases have been located in Iran of the coast of the Persian Gulf. It is a chess match. Saudi Arabia has been at war in Yemen and so have the Iranians because it is a naval seaway choking point to the Red Sea. China now has a naval base in Djibouti. Not only is the US posturing for the geopolitical position now, so is China and Russia to position itself for sea lanes. Russia wants to be in Syria and Crimea to have access to the Medertrainian Sea. The USA is currently and started the sequence of events by surrounding China and Russia with airbases and naval ports down through time and are creating new bases in other countries for global economic controls. Right now the USA has 1000+ bases around the world and spends more money in military expenditures the Russia and China combined. China and Russia are just counteracting from being economically contained. China is also countering with the new One Belt One Road Initiative. Russia is countering with spending more on their military and repositioning by having a presence in Iran, Syria, and Crimea. Also Russia is making claims in the melting ice of the polar cap. China is making a great presence in the South China Sea and building up its navy. The question here is who can outspend who as this 3-way chess matches go on. It is all about economics, when free trade, diplomatic avenues of approach would be cheaper and work better, how long can America maintain wanting to control the world and being in everyone's business? Your retirments are at stake here. If only some of this money could be spent on our own people. Also, do we as Americans at low birth rates and Europe have the human capital to sustain this, another argument for open immigration and multicultural exchange and promoting and supplementation of births by governments. In Russia, they pay $11,500 if you give birth to a baby and they pro-population growth, they do not have the human capital to sustain, because Putin in nationalist, so for Trump America's prospect for maintaining human capital does not look good because of his anti-immigration stance. This is why Nazi Germany (nationalist) and Japan (nationalist) failed in World War 2, during that time, America was having babies and there was hardly any birth control. China has the ability to sustain their momentum of human capital until 2060 before they start going under, and now are adopting nationalistic policies. Nationalism does not advance any nation and we are heading towards another lesson in history that was lived between 1919-33 and the aftermath of that sucked. Go back Jack do it again, wheel spinning around and around.

China: China is for opening up their markets and expanding their economy like any other country would be. It sees the chess move geopolitically that the United Staes is making and counteracting them like the United States would do the same. It is for free trade which is good. But it is a one-party monopolized economy which has to bring in free capitalism from Shanghai, Hong Kong and the rest of the Han populations in the south to prop it up. It needs to give their people more freedom on the internet and freedom of expression in society through free thought and freedom of the human spirit, This change will come, in time. I think we are forcing this issue through the tariffs, the chess match we are playing will shipping lanes and geo-positioning in the world. We will see how this plays out under the Trump Administrations watch. China is also closed itself out from American and free social site and is very restrictive on their own, something that is trying to take hold after the Trump Administration has done with the scrutiny of Facebook and other social sites. Remember, it was the Arab Spring and social media that bought forth the Arab Revolution but was squshed with the Neo-Cons help to replace the dictators back in place and that the Arab people with fixed elections and arrest of oppositions.

Russia has freedom, and to is a globalist nation who wants to spread the influence. Money making is their main goal and wanting seaports to expand their trade. Like Saudi Arabia and most OPEC nations it is energy based and needs to diversify its markets, therefore needs to play the chess game of geopolitical positioning. I can understand this. Why do Russia and China play this game? Well if you were being boxed in, would not you take defensive and aggressive measures to change and better this situation? But to again, it will not have that human capital, because of its low population rate to withstand a global expansionism in the world. It needs to open up with immigration, welcome in foreign investment and not have an oligarchical economy, which in a way the way America is heading with Trump.

The United States started this geopolitical militaristic geopolitical chess game when the GDP's of these countries can spend a lot better in promoting open borders, open immigration, taking in refugees to give them a jump start and spread what they have learned in it back to their home countries. The multicultural and diplomatic exchange is needed more than geopolitical economic me first mentality. A lot of this can be worked out through the United Nations, which needs to be overhauled not according to a wealth of a country in assembly but by the basis of countries population basis. Get rid of the security council and bring the whole world into play.

We need to get back to a free globalization, worked out through the United Nations. Free markets, hyper diplomacy on all countries parts, multicultural exchange through open borders and open global societies. All countries need to open up the connectivity through social sites in freedom of expression and freedom of information flow to bring forth a more open interconnected economic expansion where all in the world can prosper through world consumer demand with supply and demand according to the consumer through world markets.

All countries should be democracies in any form, for a democracy is according to open and free elections without rigging or suppressing the vote within that country's vote. All forms of voting should be allowed, even those individuals with felony convictions, for they are just left out of the system just to be left out of true free democracy. that is according to the popularity of all its peoples.

So on set you have a Chinese vision of globalization, a Russian one, an EU one and the United States, an Islamic one (Sunni vs Shitte), an evangelical Christendom one, a Catholic one, or a free one in which I laid out where everyone gets involved not based on anything else but by what the people of the world expresses through majority but ever-changing evolving one world united in progression.

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