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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Big Picture on the China and US Trade War, Militarily, Geo Politically and Strategically

The current trade war is having a negative impact on stocks (your 401k and IRA). In listening to Bloomberg,today, people are moving towards cash over bonds. China is trying to make the Yuan the world currency over petro dollar, China already is starting to trade oil in Yuan. They have naval bases in Dijoubti, near the the Gulf of Aden that leads to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. War in Yemen? China is also establishing its naval presence in Sri Lanka a springboard to the Indian Ocean. Why do not pay more attention to India. Stocks on the NASDAQ is basically an attack on the internet, social sites, on technology bringing forth an attempting of bringing back to old doctrine tradition, a modern day dark age (Net Nuetrality). Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life? Sound familiar, confuse the languages, slavery, keep them dumb, battle of the Liberal and Conservative billionaires. WW1 was fought by monarchs and programmed people, money hipnotizes people anyway and religion is used to hide behind. Sort of like ISIS, real causes of war, opium and lithium, $1 tillion in mineral diposits in Afghanistan, Vietnam and the Golden Triagle, Hmm, there is a pattern here. The trade war with China is not only a trade war, but leading up to a war, economically, stategically and militarily. Hell, Russia is bragging about a missile called Satan (fire and brimstone). Put it all together it is to change China and bring them into the realm of the global free world and the non suppression of its people. IMF, WTO vs BRIC (google it).

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