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Saturday, April 21, 2018

Some Takes on the Middle East, Iraq, Shiites vs Sunni, Libya, Saudi Arabia vs. Iranian Influences, Taliban, Choking Points and the Economics Behind Regional Conflicts

In Iraq there is a Shiite majority, such as Iran, Iran needs this as an avenue of approach and we need it to keep a buffer zone between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Iran already is establishing its self in Iraq, what we Americans spilled blood and money and it explains why we need a Kurdistan to substitute that buffer zone. Why Turkey is no longer with us in this process and leaning towards the Russians and Iran. Turkey has been known for harboring ISIS elements and when this all began, Russians had proof they were smuggling oil from them, ISIS is a tool to them. They are playing two-sided as is Pakistan with the Taliban.
Libya, like most Middle East countries, should have been left free to develop without the US going in to soon, the Arab Spring was and revolution like anything else, which takes time and could have worked its way out. The reason we have conflict in these countries is to keep the oil market jacked up, i.e Saudi Arabia wanting oil prices to reach $80 a barrel. We should have made our move when the dust had settled and toppling Kaddafi was the right idea. Why the Conservative and traditional Muslims are afraid of social media, it is even being attacked in the US by Conservative media control freaks. The big thing about Libya is it can be a springboard for ISIS in which we need to pay close attention to. This is an issue that needs to take priority, monitored and given the mission to US forces in Italy.
U.S. funding of Saudi Arabia to fight the Iranian backed Houthi rebels is critical geopolitically, in a sense it sits on the mouth of the Gulf of Adens and near Djibouti, where there is stationed a Chinese naval port the US has a drone strike center, convenient huh? The proxy war goes on, and the reason we are backing the Yemeni government is that of these facts. It is all about control of oil shipping lanes which can hamper our national security if we ever have to fight a global regional war which, Russia and the US are trying to avoid. All in all, this is a very important area to guard against, choke off the oil and you control the tempo of the geopolitics and the proxy wars.
+ Israel in itself needs to stay established. It is nothing to do with religion but is about a new city, Saudi Arabia wants to build on the Red Sea called Naom. It will be the first city to completely run on solar energy and will be a hub for the Middle East in a Silicon Valley since. It is also near the Suez Canal and off the coast lies a vast natural gas field. The Red Sea is becoming another Persian Gulf in its early stages and is important alternative shipping route to the Persian Gulf which is already heavily armed with Russian airbases and Iranian naval tit for tat with the US Naval fleet in the area. It is all about choke points and sea lanes. Location, location, location.
Afghanistan in itself is mineral rich, high in opium production, controlling the opium, you control the money market black market for heroin in the world. It is also, heavily mountainous such as Switzerland was in World War 2, why the Nazis did not want to invade. We need it for the strategic high ground and part of surrounding Russia outward expansion and Iranian containment with our airbases there and the constant threat of the Taliban in which Pakistan is harboring as a tool such as Turkey with ISIS. It is also known to have the biggest projected lithium deposits in the world. This is totally not about the Taliban so much as it is about the opium, lithium, high ground, geo-positioning and mineral deposits worth over an estimated $1 trillion.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Jordan, Djibouti, Turkey, Morocco, and Kuwait. We should have let the Arab Spring unravel, anyway it was leading to democracies in these regions mentioned. Egypt (Suez Canal and neighbors to Israel), Saudi Arabia was explained but is home to the Islam religion. Has vast amounts of oil, is becoming the most liberal Islamic state besides the UAE and is leading the way to worldwide moderate Islam. Prince Salmon is perfect for the job for what is to be brought forth and converting Islam to a globalist multicultural culture. The UAE has one of the outlying ports Dubai, and more could be established off the coast. It is also becoming and ahead Saudi Arabia becoming a Liberal Islamic state.
Oman is just as the UAE as far as alternative ports that can be built and the oil and gas lines that can be built to the Indian Ocean, strategically needed. Jordan is being used as is Turkey to the overflow of refugees, is a close buffer zone between Iraq and Israel, losing it would be Israel protection of its border. Djibouti, again the Gulf of Aden to the Red sea, choking point and the Chinese in the area. Turkey is part of NATO, gateway to Europe and we have airbases there. Maybe the early call for elections will change this and it seems the Turkish president's hand is being forced behind the scenes on this but would not be mentioned. Morocco, access to the Atlantic Ocean, cheap ports and at a choking point of the mouth of the Meddertrainian Sea and Spain, where the Muslims once invaded. Kuwait is self-explanatory, has 18% of the world's oil, the last check and is a port leading out into the Persian Gulf.

US support for the Free Syrian Army is to topple Assad. Syria majority Sunni, Russia knows this and knows which way they would go if Assad was toppled. There is also the issue of the pipeline in which Iran and Russia vs Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iraq are competing for. 
In a way, Iran should be toppled or not have suppressed elections. the Shiite Islamic faith is very strict and traditional in its old ways and is a minority. Being that, we need to convert it into a moderate Islamic state or even conversion which in a way could be good for the Middle East and taking away the chance for a Caliphate being established and another crusades world war between Christians and Muslims again, think we called them the Dark Ages, when government was mixed with government.

The ultimate goal in this is to establish where we create a Liberal, free thinking, free informational connected world. Democratic in nature to the will of the people in market and choices of what type of government should be established. One world, multiculturally mixed, establishing open borders and open society, with respect for all beliefs, all races and way of life.

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