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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Chinese Doctrine, Suppression of Liberalization, Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, Religion, Manchurian and Han Concept

Bizou-Chinese meaning naive western educated people, people who advocate peace, equality, to satisfy one's own morals. Bizou only concentrates on immigration, minorities, counterculture ways of living that people individually live by choice. Political correctness is a resistance to what others want to program you into believing (brainwashing) in the forms of propaganda for their own gains. Multiculturalism has been going on for decades. It creates a mix of a new people, it has created different tribes of rejected people and in time formed what we have as in other ethnic groups and religion according to that civilization. The Chinese government, which is a monopoly on power using the minority of the south being Han in Shanghai and Hong Kong, where all the money is being made that fuels Beijing's rule, which is really Manchurian in sense, suppressing its social sites and not letting in any outside input, in the long term will fail. In the long term, democracy wins out in time by its will of its young and educated, through protest and resistance to the old ways that do not fit in with modern times. Yes, Liberalism will win out in the world in time which it has always.

Freethought, debate and a populations diversity with an ever-changing majority dictating what will be and not be is part of a democracy. Nationalism tends to protect it comfort zones in society, instead of evolving with it. Yes, we as free people can pick our morals, our way of living as long as there are no damages done within the law, but laws constantly have to be updated and changed to fit the mold of the majority that picks the laws and to keep up with the times, for some laws become obsolete. Immigration is necessary, especially in some countries with low birth rates to protect the safety nets to those who have built the past society up and the needed ones to see them through their remaining years. Also to give those a reboot to life when they fall on hard times. We bailed out the banks, bail out the common citizen, if not it turns to crime unless you live in a police state in which we are becoming. Minorities are no different and should not bow to the majority just because it is dictated to people who can figure out propaganda. Control freaks never progress humanity but only to suppress it for their own needs, anyway, deep down they are the minority. Political correctness is opposing and resisting authoritarian rule and is the freedom of expression given to us in our Constitution not handed down by some overbearing loud fascist control manipulating self-centered propaganda do it or else mentality. Islam is restrictive and adds religion with government and I agree that Sharia Law does not belong in any society or civilization for it is an ancient text that does not fit in well with free popular culture, and the popular meaning majority of what sells or is accepted, black market or legal ones. Call this whining, I call it resistance and debate in which this country was founded on and is part of the change in a democracy ever living in policymaking. But in so saying, Christian or any religion should not dictate a democracy or be mixed with government, again, a freedom is given to us in our Constitution. And yes this man was ignorant and arrogant. Narrow-minded, most likely had a bad childhood or trouble with sex. Had to be this way to make up for his shortcomings.

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