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Friday, April 6, 2018

Alcohol, Profiteering from the Rule of Law, Penal System, Policing, Lawyers, The War on Drugs, Far Right Prohibition, Stress is the Root Cause and Disallowing Stimulation of Life

1. Arrests for drunkenness and disorderly conduct- Allowing more profiteering for law enforcement and private prisons. What makes people get drunk in the first place, others stressing others out, especially control freak that is sober. When people are depressed for some rooted reason, stressed out in a marriage (because one want to control the other, power struggles) drinking follows. My dad always said that the problem with a weed is the roots that cause it to grow.

2. Homicides, assaults, and batteries: Most people when they drink, they do it to stimulate the anger. to most righteous self-proclaimed micromanaging control freaks irritate this in the timing and the pressure of these individuals, ever heard the saying, just let them drink it off. Don't throw salt on a wound.

3. Ever since the Drug War and more blue laws (prohibition) via church legislation is up 561%. This is a big money maker ever since brought on by the Clinton Administrations, so-called "Rule of Law" private prison, oh and by the way in which Jeff Sessions owns stock in and the lobbiest pushed and contributed to the Hillary campaign on pushed by a Republican Congress and Senate in the, uh. ..evangelical agendas, church coffers.

4. Federal Prison Population up 366%-Again, going to statement 3. When you prohibit individuals freedoms (1919-33), drugs, guns, alcohol, painkillers, prevent people from venting, it causes a black market. An example of this is the anti venting prevention of the prohibition brought on by far-right Christians and also looking at the volatility of an Islamic society. It brought us Al Capone, The Great Depression, gangs, fascism, World War 2, Nazism, Communism and almost brought us to the brink of World War 3 We also had at this time, restricted trade, isolationism and protectionism 1929-33 Smoot Hawley Trade Act

5. Think about it, Trump does not believe in drinking, never lived poor, like the color gold, backed by conservative billionaires, has an evangelical counsel, Pence is in his ear, likes the 80's (defense buildup, gun lobby, funerals are big business related to church services, they could pass for churches), Prisons and law enforcement, lawyers, everything is a business when you get down to it.

6. Total expenditures by governments in law enforcement, trial lawyers, blue laws up 1,000% from the 1970's. Felons who believe in human rights who cannot vote.....get the picture. Prison profit, police profit, trial profit, rehabilitation profit in the medical field.

6 Think. Monopolized sectors in the economy are medical, laws, education from colleges that monopolize the education or the learning process which the competition is the Internet and big tech companies being or starting to be suppressed now by the Trump administration and the Republicans.

7. When Jimmy Carter was interviewed a while back, he stated that he could not understand why when he was president there was a smaller prison population and fewer expenditures on law enforcement and the penal system. Well, when individual rights, individual liberties and the inability to vent your stress, this is what you get.

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