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Thursday, April 19, 2018

A Nations Hypocracy, Drug War, Incareration, Police Killings, Crack, Indian Reservations

Syrian President Assad “kills his own people,” said Trump, leader of the nation whose police kill more of its “own people” than any country except (fellow white settler state). Has more prisoner incarceration than any country on earth, Fights a drug war which feeds it and creates a black market for it in a nation more addicted to drugs than any other nation. Police enforcement is a money making machine like anything else and many believe one rubs the back of the other.

In his post-strike statement, President Trump called chemical weapons “uniquely dangerous”—as if such uniqueness provided legal justification for Washington’s act of war. But the United States has been poisoning “its own” Black people for generations. “They talk about chemical warfare, but books have even been written about how crack cocaine was introduced into the community through the CIA.

The United States began in smallpox-infected blankets and mountains of Native American scalps-for-bounty and remains true to its genocidal imperatives. “We live in a country today where people are living in concentration camps that are euphemistically referred to as Indian reservations. 

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