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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Duran Duran - "A View To A Kill" Live From London (2004)

How Long Does it Take to Get Into Ketosis?

Juice Newton Tell Her No (Remastered) (Lyrics)

THOSE OLDIES, BUT GOODIES ~ Little Caesar & The Romans (1961)

Etta James - All I Could Do Was Cry (live)

Linda Scott - I've Told Every Little Star (1961) HQ

Karaoke Gary
GaryF2437's real name is Gary Finneyfrock. Gary is 57 years old, is located in Maryland / USA and has been a SingSnap member since April 21, 2016. He has a total of 239 public recordings that have been viewed 44,550 times and 161 achievement points.
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 2/19/18

cat stevens two fine people

BOBBY LEWIS One Track Mind JUN '61

Angel Baby - Rosie And The Originals

Curtis Lee - Pretty Little Angel Eyes - Original

Ash - Shining Light (live)

Worst 10 American Presidents

Stevie Wonder - Skeletons

Brook Benton - Think Twice ( audio - lyrics )

Amos Moses - Jerry Reed

Breaking In A Brand New Broken Heart by Connie Francis 1961

Culture Club - Time (Clock Of The Heart)

Jared Kushner Eyed Over Foreign Contacts, Vulnerability To Manipulation ...

Matthew Wilder - The Kid's American

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mama Said - Cannes Film Fest/Sundance

Fats Domino - Let The Four Winds Blow

Teena Marie - Square Biz 1981 (Remastered audio)

Tower of Babel: Divide & Conquer, True Story Hidden, Repentance not Rebe...

Worship a Virus? Addiction? Feed/Prepare us for SoulFarms? What God want...

The truth about church addiction!!!

Gaza on the Brink: Norman Finkelstein on Israeli forces targeting Palest...

Milton Friedman - Why Drugs Should Be Legalized, Prohibition, Marijuana, Crack, Protecting Cartels, Morals, Prisons, Obesity

United Nations Mission, The Reason for a Coalition of Nations Coming Together, China's Xi and the New Saudi King, Avoiding Nuclear War and Fragmentation

I still favor the answer by Sigmund Freud to this question. According to Freud, there is a force called “Eros” (Love) at work in human history, and it has this chronology:
(1) Clans fighting other clans;
(2) Tribes fighting other tribes;
(3) Tribal Federations fighting other Tribal Federations;
(4) Nations fighting other Nations.
Rebuttal: The clans can be broken through understanding each other's ways and respecting each other's belief, living, thoughts. This is why in the world we have today is a Uniting of Nations. The only poison to this is religious extremism, nationalism, fascism and of those being color blind to the fact that diversity is the best. War just stagnates life progression in the world that greedy sources want to control and this comes in many forms.
The principle here is that the groups keep getting larger and larger. The wars don’t stop, but they become less frequent (though larger). Freud saw Eros making this change — always uniting people into larger and larger groups.
Rebuttal: What is wrong with a universal coalition community of nations coming together for we all live on the same globe and share the same resources. Peace can be made through multicultural and multinational corporations, governments elected through worldwide democracies by the people and dictated by a free and open worldwide market. Instead of free trading blocks, it is time to move on to a World Free Trade Act.
The end result — he hoped — was that civilization would eventually unite All of Humanity into One Large Group. That would also seem to be the aim of Globalization.
Rebuttal: All humanity as a free humanity, a universal humanity and united one world coalition order and a worldwide representation according to a population. This is called a United Nations. This we already have in which most worldwide problems can be solved by uniting through one agreed front to the problem.
Although people do have a Bad Side — perhaps a Violent Side — people also have a Good Side, that is mutually grooming, and enjoys Team Sports. For this reason, there is a continual historical climb towards larger and larger Unities of People.

Capitalism has been the catalyst for the latest stretch of Unities — and even Red China has entered into Global Trading as a major player with major Capital.
Rebuttal: China will fracture as do all monopolized governments do. The Han outnumber the Manchurian government of Beijing, for all the money is made in Hong Kong and Shanghai. It is only a matter of time that free flow of information and markets change this. Xi and the new king of Saudi Arabia have the right idea in this, with Xi offering the One Road One Belt initiative, he will become the Gorbachov of China in time. He is already consolidating power for this as such the king of Saudi Arabia will do in the Middle East in the declining worldwide addiction to oil.
Ultimately, then, Globalism has only one enemy, namely, Nationalist Racism. Any nation can be racist. Germany was that last openly Racist nation, and they boasted that they would Dominate and even Enslave the rest of the world. They met a very bitter end at the hands of the Russians and the Anglo-Americans.
It would be one of the ironies of the history of the Russians or the Anglo-Americans decided to repeat the errors of Germany. It would be surprising if China decided to repeat those errors. Nobody can predict the future. Sometimes it seems that history has become a race between Nuclear Annihilation and Globalism. We must seek to avoid nuclear war at all costs — there’s my opinion.

The Meaning of Globalization and What is Miss Understood

the act or process of globalizing: the state of being globalizedespecially:

 the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.

Globalization is also an integration of cultures and mixing of cultures to bring forth one world and one world peace, because conflict happens for those who do not try to understand that theirs is not the only color, culture, religion on earth and that everyone needs each other to survive. It is thinking outside the box, instead of in your comfort zone. Most have not been outside their country and they are ignorant to the fact because of it. 

Free trade is a way that goods become cheaper but not only do that, it removes the poor out of poverty by creating access to other product. It gives you a diverse market to choose according to supply and demand. It creates a world market to where the consumer dictates policy in what exists in the market and what does not in ever-changing trends.

But in saying this, it should be enhanced by more lenient borders and ports for the products to enter the markets. It creates generational cultural changes to where the world trends take place and that is influenced by other countries towards understanding one another

It must be set with full communication connectivity for all to interact to break barriers that stagnate the world market and economy. Isolation, religious fanaticism, fascism, nationalism, and extremism bring forth conflict, war, and worldwide societal decay. 1919-33 and the aftermath should be a lesson to this.

This is an ever-flowing knowledge as talked about in the difference between the tree of knowledge in which one becomes a better human being, and not the stagnation of a tree of life according to ancient text, traditional ways, a life that locks you out of what you could have been and what you can become in the journey of life. A lifelong learning of change adapting to times keeping one young. Where the young understand the old and the old understand the young enhancing life to its fullest.

The days of worldwide domination are over in the form of political monopolies, dark age thought corruption, dictatorships, oligarchies, income inequalities. It will be a mix of everchanging cultures, religious and disciplinary thought, free and universal living and ever-changing in one's life.

Monday, February 26, 2018

How to Live Longer

Does Your Lifestyle Support A Long And Healthy Life?
Living a long and healthy life is the ultimate goal, but have you considered if your lifestyle and daily habits support that goal? There are many factors that affect longevity and optimal health, but a few that are of more significance. If you are searching for ways to improve the quality of the life you live, as well as the amount of time you have to enjoy with your loved ones - consider the key factors below.
Do You Exercise Regularly? Somewhere along the way, the concept of exercising became a chore, but as our lives (and particularly our desk jobs) become more and more sedentary—exercise is more important now than ever. Even if you are at a healthy body weight, you still require physical fitness. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous to be effective and can be as simple as taking a 30-minute brisk walk 4 or 5 days a week. This will elevate your heart rate, increase your mood-boosting hormones, improve the quality of your sleep, and help to balance your body from the inside out.
How Are Your Stress Levels? What’s the point of living a long life, if your life is little more than a response to the multiple stress factors in your life? Stress pumps your body with aging and immunity compromising cortisol. The first thing you must do is prioritize your life, relationships, and time. When you do more of what you enjoy, all areas of your life are less stressful. Stress will always be present to some extent, so you must also manage your response to stress—and infuse more stress-relieving healthy habits in your life. This includes getting adequate rest, scheduling more activities you enjoy, yoga, meditation, exercise, time off, socializing, and massage.
Do You Invest Enough Quality Time With Family And Friends? Our family, friends, and even our beloved pets are what make life worth living. Between work, and your kid’s extracurricular activities - it can be challenging to squeeze in quality time with friends and family. This goes beyond shuttling your kids to and from their daily activities, or having dinner with your other half - while texting and answering emails the entire time. Instead, sit down for dinner, without your smartphone. Head out for a walk, play a game together, go see a movie, meet for coffee, or balance your workday by scheduling a lunch with friends. Just an extra hour or two a week of quality time with the ones you love makes you feel good - and has long-term health benefits.

Genetics of Southeast Asia: Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore an...

Gary Karaoke

GaryF2437's real name is Gary Finneyfrock. Gary is 57 years old, is located in Maryland / USA and has been a SingSnap member since April 21, 2016. He has a total of 239 public recordings that have been viewed 44,402 times and 161 achievement points.
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 2/19/18

Adam Wade - The writing on the wall

Adam Wade - The writing on the wall


Nationalism Comes in Many Forms, More Than One Type of Globalization, Color Blind, Religious Separtartism

It seems to me by electing Trump we were swindled as Hitler did Germany in the 1930's weaving his way into power. 2017 is known as the year of hate in America. I sometimes think, is this the post-ethnic gang society we have in America? There are a white nationalist, black nationalist, etc. It might be brewing a civil war in America or a divided one. What is unique in this though it is a global thing. It is something that we had in the 20's and 30's when fascism and nationalism came to rise. The after effect was a depression, war, and peace again because of the tiredness of killing, seeing the results of the concentration camps in Europe. If one thing, young people lack what history has to teach them, a blindness to what can happen when the world is splintered by nationalities, color, religion etc. I think in 2019, we will balance though when Trump becomes a lame duck with a democratic congress and senate. See globalism comes in many forms, but when it comes to color, ethnic, religious and monopolized political dimensions, it never works. If there is not change, and we keep heading down the path the world is going, we will repeat history with depression and war or revolutionary change, because of the stubborn and bull-headed ways of humans not knowing histories lessons, without multiculturalism, free thought, free spirit and free trade working in the world, in the end it all comes back around. I always said you can listen and learn or learn the hard way. Over time, we will.

Empire Files: War With North Korea - Propaganda vs. Reality

Brook Benton - TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE - 1963 Stereo!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Make a room for daddy part four *Tonight my love tonight *

Make a room for daddy part four *Tonight my love tonight *

Tribute to Miners (Big John by Jimmy Dean 1961)

Tribute to Miners (Big John by Jimmy Dean 1961)

KISS - Black Diamond - 1975 promo (High Quality)


The Nutty Professor 2nd Dinner Scene

Nutty Professor Dinner Scene HD720p)

John Lund Are You A Control Freak A Toxic Personality

Economic Update: Immigration economics and the paranoid right wing nationalist missunderstanding of it. How the tax cuts will affect the savings according to how much you make-conned agains. An example of the tax cutis is a good example to what happen to Kansas when they cut taxes. Sexual abuse by corporations

Afghanistan-25 Militants Killed by Afghan Forces

[Afghanistan], Feb 25 (ANI): Afghanistan's Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Sunday said that at least 25 insurgents have been killed in ground and airstrike operations carried out by Afghan forces across the country. Tolo News quoted the MoD as saying that the forces conducted 14 clearance operations, 21 special operations, and 44 air support operations. During the operations, 14 others were injured and five were arrested, including one IS terrorist. The MoD further said the operations were conducted in Nangarhar, Laghman, Ghazni, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Zabul, Farah, Faryab, Takhar, Sar-e-Pul, Nimroz and Helmand provinces. (ANI)

Read more at:

Turkish Interference in Syria and Tensions Building with the US and NATO

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has issued one of its strongest warnings meant for the US, pledging to ‘break the arms and wings’ of Washington-backed militants in Syria.

The warning in an address to his ruling party members in the southern province of Kahramanmaras on Saturday came as tensions grow between Turkey and the US over the latter's support for Kurdish militants, Press TV reported.
Turkey's patience boiled over when the US announced last month to create a 30,000-strong force comprised of Kurdish militants, which would be deployed along the Turkish border.
Without mentioning the US, Erdogan said, “They want to sever us from our sisters and brothers by forming a terror corridor along our borders. They do not hesitate to link arms with terrorist organizations.
"They are not aware of the fact that we will break the arms and wings of the structure they have been striving to form and destroy it completely.”
Turkey launched an operation in the Syrian city of Afrin on January 20 to eliminate the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which Ankara views as the Syrian branch of the outlawed Kurdish Workers Party (PKK).
The US views the YPG as an ally in Syria, where the militant group forms the backbone of the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which is being trained, equipped and protected by the Americans.
"We believe we will sooner or later bring down the terrorist organizations and those who are behind them," Erdogan said.

"Those who see us as yesterday's Turkey, and treat us in this manner, have begun to gradually realize the truth," he said, in an apparent reference to Washington which has had long-held military ties with Ankara.
The Syrian government has condemned both the ‘Turkish aggression’ and the ‘illegitimate’ US presence in Syria, saying they violate international law and impede the political solution and victory over terrorism.
While Turkey is coming under mounting pressure over reports of rising civilian casualties, Erdogan has announced plans to expand the offensive to Manbij where Turkish troops are likely to face US-led forces.
On Saturday, Erdogan said ‘a global smear campaign’ had been launched against Turkey's operations in Syria.
"The launch of a worldwide war of propaganda, based on lies, slander, and distortion, by those who cannot deal with Turkey on the ground, will not work," he said.
Erdogan further rejected reports that civilians were being targeted in Turkey's operation in Syria.
He said Turkey was on a mission to eradicate terrorism, which was key to preventing the re-emergence of colonialism, in another apparent dig at the US.
Later on Saturday, Erdogan traveled to the province of Osmaniye, where he said a total of 1,951 YPG militants have been ‘neutralized’ in the Afrin operation.

US concerned about Turkey's S-400 purchase
Ankara and Washington also appear to be at odds over Turkey's purchase of the advanced Russian-made S-400 long-range air missile defense system.
On Saturday, a US government official expressed concerns about Turkey's planned purchase, saying talks were underway on alternatives to boost the country’s air defense.
“The US understands Turkey’s desire to improve its air defenses. But we are concerned and have said so publicly about a potential acquisition of Russian S-400 missiles, which would have implications for NATO interoperability and which would potentially expose Turkey to sanctions," Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News quoted the unnamed official as saying.
In December, Turkey officially signed a $2.5 billion agreement with Russia for the S-400s to become the first NATO member state to acquire the system.
Asked if there were specific proposals to Turkey, the US official said: “conversations are taking place.”
“We are also working with Turkey cooperatively. This issue was discussed in Ankara last week, about how we can find better solutions to help Turkey’s air defense needs," he pointed out.

US warns Iraq over S-400 deal

Media reports also suggest that Iraq may buy the Russian S-400 system, triggering a US warning of "potential repercussions."
US State Department spokeswoman Heather Neuert said on Thursday that Washington has contacted many countries, including Iraq, to explain the significance of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), and possible consequences that would arise in the wake of defense agreements with Moscow.
“We are communicating with governments all around the world, such as Iraq and others, about the CAATSA law,” she said.

Dem’s FISA Memo Confirms FBI & DOJ Never Disclosed Bogus Trump Dossier Was Funded by Hillary & Friends; Trump Responds

Dem’s FISA Memo Confirms FBI & DOJ Never Disclosed Bogus Trump Dossier Was Funded by Hillary & Friends; Trump Responds: Adam Schiff’s Democratic FISA warrant memo has officially backfired. Dem Memo: FBI did not disclose who the clients were – the Clinton Campaign and the DNC. Wow! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2018 NEW: Carter Page statement on Democratic Memo: — Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) February 24, 2018 FOLLOW US!

Jeremy Rifkin on the Fall of Capitalism and the Internet of Things

The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy 2020-2050

The Third Industrial Revolution: A Radical New Sharing Economy 2020-2050

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Updated Profile on Me

Single retired from the army and social security. Now living in Waldorf, Maryland. I am 57 and  Married 2x, Global Progressive Democrat, New Age Thought. Want to spend more time enhancing the retirement I have now further into the future. Like to travel, internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, enjoy my retirement, experience meeting people from different cultures, free thinker, free-spirited. music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world, global moderate liberal,  nutrition supplementation and herbs, geopolitics. My music likes are rock, pop music,  country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat.  PH#1 3013996410. You can contact me at, on  G+, twitter,, Tumblr, frockman philosophy on google blogger search, on YouTube (frockmusic and video231) Google search GarF2437 for my karaoke recordings. You are welcome to send comments to my email or contact me via phone, hangouts,  or any other of my social feeds. 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Bobby Vee - Rubber Ball (1961)

The Stone Roses - "Elephant Stone"

Bee Gees - New York Mining Disaster 1941

MISSING YOU - Ray Peterson (Lyrics)

Kylie Minogue - I Should Be So Lucky [HD]

Steve Lawrence - Poor Little Rich Girl

Why the Rust Belt Keeps Shrinking

Trump Wants More Guns In Schools

What you need to know about evangelicals in the Trump era

Lobbies in the White House, Some Have Dropped Out or Conned, Nationalism, Prosperity, Bust, Gangs, Evangelicals and the Push for Prohibition, Depression, and World War with Nuclear Weapons

In the White House, there are billionaire cabinet members, the first of their kind. There are people who want to bring back the Harding-Coolidge-Hoover days of nationalism. isolationism, economic elites. An example of these are the Koch brothers that backed the Trump campaign. To create an oligarchical society such as in Russia. Putin, for example, is worth $100+ billion. Russian capitalism is one of the most ruthless forms of capitalisms, a sort of mobster political and capitalistic state.

In the Trump White House was the beginning of lobbies that were part of his cabinet, such as the evangelicals, the military complex, law inc, nationalist and the Zionist. The Nationalist have dropped out as did many billionaires executives

If you relate to what they want is to bring us back to a time in repeating history. Here is what will repeat itself. Booming economy to last maybe 10 years, a bubble burst as did in 1920. At that time 1919-33, you had evangelicals leading the way with greedy and Bible-thumping getting involved in political causes that spawned candidates, Republicans to support prohibition, such as banning alcohol, which in turn brought and fueled the black markets.

These were horrible and restrictive times, that looked down upon the poor and those which did not meet the Christian hypocritic creed, in turn, no one knew what to do because the stress busters were taken away from them and to only find solitude in illegal saloons, moonshining and whatever they had to escape the grasp of evangelical expression.

After the stock market crash of 1929, Roosevelt was elected by a landslide. He repealed the prohibition laws, started the Job Corp, the Social Security Act, but only made one mistake staying not internationally engaged, taking a pacified route to wars, conflicts and diplomatic relationships.

Becuase of the nationalistic isolationist view that America took around the world, there was a rise in nationalism and imperialism and the military buildup unchecked around the world. Also, we rejected the League of Nations, now we have the United Nations that keeps the checks and balances that prevent world wars.

Anyway, the story goes in line like this and is being repeated with similarities to what is happening today. Isolationism, nationalism, prohibition or the erosion of civil rights, personal liberties and the free flow of information. All which are trying to be controlled by this White House. Then came the rise of fascism, Nazism, communism (monopolized party politics) sound familiar? World War 2,

The pattern is oh so familiar but we are being blinded by seeing this scenario today. It is as plain as day. This is my warning that we can change this. Please feel free to copy, distribute, share and express your opinion on this so that others may see what I see. You can find me at frockman232@gmail. for further correspondence to this subject matter and feel free to visit me on twitter, tumblr, vk and G+ 

The Russia Investigation Closes In On President Donald Trump's Inner Cir...

Geography Now! Algeria

Former senior CIA officer Israel not an ally its an enemy of USA

The Four Steps To Walk Away

The REAL TRUTH of Why Jesus Cleared The Temple, Peace, Logic and Patience

The REAL TRUTH of Why Jesus Cleared The Temple

Donald Trump's Daddy Issues

1 Simple Reason Trump Cannot Save You

Hyper Trump Inflation

Brenda Lee Dum Dum

Brenda Lee Dum Dum

Honey Cone - The Day I Found Myself, Someone Leaves You and You Find Yourself

Geography Now! Albania

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Geography Now! Afghanistan

The Rise of Nationalism - The Road to World War II, pt.1,Nationalism, Rejection of the International Communities, Police State, Fascism, White Extremism,

Causes of World War I, Militarism, Military Industrial Complex (Trump today?), Monarchs, Corporate Elites, Alliances, NATO Expansion? Does any of this sound familiar today? Imperialism, Nationalism, Slavs and the Balkans Divided

U.S. Prohibition (1920-33), 1919-33, The cause of WW2? Gangs and black markets, the war on drugs, the same? Money going to gangs instead of capital businesses, bars and distribution being owned by organized crime, this prohibition was started by the anti-saloon league and holy roller churches during these times. Trump does not drink alcohol.

FDR & the New Deal: How Progressive Policies Saved a Nation

Dr. Richard Wolff: The Return of Progressivism Around the World

Dr. Richard Wolff: The Return of Progressivism Around the World

Paul Ryan Says Republicans To Target Welfare, Medicare, Medicaid Spendin...

Donald Trump's success reveals a frightening weakness in American democracy

Patriotism vs nationalism: Do you know the difference?

Pew study finds Americans more polarized than ever

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door/Eddie Hodges

Broadcast - Echo's Answer

Johnny Maestro - Model Girl

Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

GENE PITNEY - It Hurts to be in Love 1964

Better As A Memory By Kenny Chesney-The Song for Our Turbulent World We Live In Today

Existential Threat To Trump Presidency In New Mueller Indictment? | The ...

How the Billboard Hot 100 explains the rise of Donald Trump | Derek Thom...

Roland Martin To Paula White: Be A Prophetic Voice And Don't Just Be A P...

The Lives Lost In The Florida High School Mass Shooting | NBC Nightly News

Fascism, Isolationism, Make the World Great Again, UN, WW#, Depression, Prohibition, Dark Ages, Etc

I think our nation is turning into a fight between all types of Fascism. It seems we get hooked on color, tribalism, groups, in our comfort zones without being diverse with the rest of the world. This is what separated the rest of the world in the 20's and 30's. In the office at that time was separatist homophobic, even Harding belonged to the KKK and wanted to make America Great Again. We are repeating the same pattern with what we are being told what is fake and what is not, programming the population.
We are repeating the same pattern that we did that time now. The chapters follow. No League of Nations, Harding, KKK, Make America Great Again, bubble stock market prosperity, the party is over, depression or stock market hangover, Gangs controlling the cities, black market thriving, fascism in Europe, fighting of rights in the Pacific. Maybe in the future, WW3 with nuclear weapons, and a aftermath of a new civilization on earth.I is like the Tower of Babel when the world came together and started to work as one, then religion takes it down, disrupting the free flow of world information by confusing the languages. Is it why they want to control the Internet, have religion be part of the government, the World Christian White European which ruled the rest of the world in history through religious provocation, rule, and greed of other countries. The Internet will never be controlled by a few, not if worldwide democracy is spreading and not suppressed. Globalization, free markets, the spread of democracy in its many forms through what is elected by the people without being monopolized (communism), mixing of the races and cultures, free-thinking individuals which spark innovation, and the right of anyone to believe and practice which they want. For now, we as human beings can be part of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge to become a greater humanity without the oligarchical programming and rule. Remember that the last global religious governing takeover of the world was called The Dark Ages.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

League of Nations, Wilson, WW1, Religion, Prohibition, Gangs, Nationalism, Asia, Europe, Middle East, UN, Black Markets and Law Inc

n 1914-18, the world went to war. In 1916-18, Wilson wanted to create the League of Nations. 1919 Harding ran for president, under the slogan make America great again, the gap between the rich and poor 1923-29, and from 1924-33, prohibition and gangsters making money.

In 1933, Roosevelt was elected, as was Obama during the recession, and we saw our way out of the depression, then cam Hitler 1933-45, Nationalist (Nazis), World War 2. Mirror this now, rise of nationalism in Europe, China ins the South China Sea, Look familiar, just different,,

players. The USA threatening to pull out of the UN, which has held the world away from the brink of a 3rd world war. Conflict on the Korean Peninsula, South China Sea, Middle East (Shiites vs. Sunni), Cold War Issues in Europe, Seems like we are losing view of history repeating.

Couple things. Prohibition sucks, and religious fanaticism brought that on. Make America great again, make the world great again. Rise of nationalism before WW2, Remember Law Inc and black markets are profitable for gangs and organized crime (Russian Collusion?). Think!

David Brody: President Donald Trump Has Been On A Spiritual Voyage | Mor...

Religion Making a Comeback in Post-Soviet Russia? Religion in Russia and...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

India and Bangladeshi Refugees

Imagine No Country Claims You, and Your Own Country Wants to Throw You Into the Sea’
Rohini Mohan
Rohingya refugees in India are trying to make a better life for themselves while fighting the threat of deportation. The Indian government directly shelters and assists over 100,000 Tibetan refugees and 64,000 Sri Lankans, and the UNHCR has registered nearly 36,500 refugees and asylum seekers in India, mainly from Afghanistan and Myanmar, and in smaller numbers from Africa and the Middle East. So why is the 1.2 billion-strong Indian state terror-stricken about 16,500 – or 40,000, as the government claims – Rohingya?

Friday, February 16, 2018

What Race are People from the Middle East and North Africa?

Let's Twist Again - Chubby Checker

It's Immaterial - Driving Away From Home (1986)

DC Talk - Between You And Me (Official Music Video)

The Secrets Behind the US & Chinese Interest in the South China Sea

The Secrets Behind the US & Chinese Interest in the South China Sea

European Union (EU) vs Russia 2017 - Who Would Win - Army / Military Com...

Electric Cars Could Wreak Havoc on Oil Markets Within a Decade

Electric Cars Could Wreak Havoc on Oil Markets Within a Decade

The Geopolitics of World War III, Strong Dollar and the Connection to Oil

Largest Bloodiest Wars with most Deaths in History - TOP 10 CLIPZ

Top 10 Leading Causes of Death

The Untold History of German America (Deutschamerikaner)

Dave Brubeck - Take Five ( Original Video)

Doctors Don't Live As Long, Why?

Can't You See (1977) - Marshall Tucker Band

Garbage - Push It (HD)

How did the Slavs go from Slaves to Conquerors? History of the Slavic Pe...

From the Basement: "The Battle of New Orleans" Brother Dege

Elvis Presley Are You Lonesome Tonight Fantastic Video

Alicia Keys - No One (Official Video)

Whitesnake - The Deeper The Love

The Biggest “Drug” to Reverse or Prevent Heart Disease Isn’t a Medication

DON GIBSON: Sea Of Heartbreak

Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood-Sundown Sundown

The Four Tops - Indestructible

twenty one pilots: Heathens (from Suicide Squad: The Album) [OFFICIAL VI...

twenty one pilots: Heathens (from Suicide Squad: The Album) [OFFICIAL VI...

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Natural Cancer Treatments That Work! Hemp Oil, Immunity Supplementation

Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33

Understanding Your Split Brain, Your Consumer Values vs Your Personnel Values

Natural Cures For Congestive Heart Failure

Your Brain On Coffee

Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof - Caldwell Esselstyn MD

The Roto-Rooter to Clogged Arteries - The Miracle Fatty Acid & Herb (Dr....

How to Unblock Cholesterol Plaqued Arteries

How to Unblock Cholesterol Plaqued Arteries

Heart Disease Treatment - How To Stop Heart Disease

Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You

Kasenatz-Katz Singing Orchestral Circus - Quick Joey Small

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Kochs & the Nazis: Book Reveals Billionaires' Father Built Key Oil R...

Who are the Koch Brothers?

Letters Expose Agenda Of Billionaire Koch Brothers

The Four Preps - More Money For You And Me (Original 45 Version)

Mikal Cronin: "Weight," Live On Soundcheck

Bernie Sanders & Robert Reich discuss how we defeat Republicans' horrid ...

Dr. Richard Wolff On What America Will Look Like If The Republicans Get.  24s Disappearance of the middle class, social security cuts, welfare safety net, Medicare and Medicaid, Koch brothers and the view from the top down. .

The Life and Work of Jane Addams

The Life and Work of Jane Addams

How is RWANDA stepping out of MISERY? - VisualPolitik EN

Bobby Darin - You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby

Bobby Darin - You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby

Ray Charles - (Night time Is) The Right Time

Jim Croce - One less set of footsteps TV Broadcast

Natural Selection - Crash Course Biology #14


Chairlift - Bruises

Convention 72 - The Delegates

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Percy Faith & His Orchestra - A summer place theme (video/audio edited &...

Björk - Earth Intruders - Later with Jools Holland 2007

Kelly Clarkson - Dark Side

The Rise and Fall of America's Only African Colony (History of Liberia a...

Beck Everybody's got to learn sometime

Harry Styles - Sign of the Times

The Jacksons - Lovely One (Victory Tour Live Toronto) (HD)

Who are the Romani? Europe's Ancient South Asian Transplants (History of...

Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown (1960)

Rod Stewart - I Don't Want To Talk About It (from One Night Only!) ft. A...

Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)

The Connection Between Whites and Asians? Genetics of the Sami, Ainu and...

Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt, "How Democracies Die"

Libertarian Basics: War on Drugs

Idaho Bans Climate Change Education, Prohibition Repeated? North Korean and South Korean Unity

Idaho bans climate change education: 

The earth has an immune system and it saying this, it reacts as if you have a virus or allergy and in this process, it will act erratically in the form of hurricanes, extreme weather patterns. So the lesson on stupidity, ignorance or greed, you listen and learn or learn the hard way, just let us learn, thanks to the ignorant voters

Prohibition again!

Prohibition in the 20's was pushed by politicians, far right church advocates and the women at that time because of the drunken husbands at that time. Also at that time, women got the right to vote. The drug war of the 80, gangs, the prohibition in the 20's and 30's the black market and we go again with the new DOJ's policies.

North Korea and South Korean Peace Progression at the Olympics

It is none of our business if the two Korea's want to reconcile their differences. It is not up to the US and China to make that decision for them. It is just a power grab for economics between China and the US, most likely to do with weapons sales $$$$.

Prohibition Still Doesn't Work (alcohol then, marijuana now)

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Brenda Lee - I'm Sorry (1960) HQ

Smokey Robinson And The Miracles - I'll Try Something New

BB King - I Like To Live The Love - Live in Africa 1974

Is America More Divided Than Ever?

2018 Senate Elections | Election Prediction | Democrat vs Republican

Martin Luther King The Three Evils of Society, Racism, Reverse Racism, Materialism of Excess, The Worldwide Industrial Military Complex

Elvis Presley - It`s Now Or Never 1960

Over There - American Quartet

Role of Pakistan China Russia Iran and Turkey in World War 3 describe Ex...

Jimmy Jones "Handyman"

Bruce Springsteen - Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out.wmv

Elvis Presley - Patch It Up - Live 70

Inflation, Fluctuation in Bond Rates and Volitlity

Inflation fears have been central to the shaken market confidence of the past few trading sessions, yet one strategist at JPMorgan is totally sanguine about the inflation risks facing the US economy.

John Normand, head of cross-asset strategy at JPMorgan uses a large sample of historical comparisons in inflation, core consumer prices, which exclude food and energy and are a favorite of central bankers, as well as wage growth as measured by average hourly earnings.

Normand’s message: There’s a pattern.

"Over the past two decades, inflation has surprised more to the downside than to the upside on all indicators," he writes in a research note.

Core CPI has met consensus forecasts "about 40% of the time since the late 1990s, exceeded expectations 26% of the time and undershot expectations 33% of the time."

Average hourly earnings met estimates 25% of the time, overshot 29%, and undershot 45%.

The market’s vertiginous plunge, which has since stabilized, first started last Friday after the market latched onto data showing a 2.9% spike in annualized average hourly earnings, the biggest gain since the recession. 

Normand uses this chart to show the combined trajectory of these key indicators for Federal Reserve policy — and to show inflation leery-investors are likely jumping the gun, and not for the first time.

"This underapreciation of disinflationary forces probably explains why the consensus has incorrectly forecast the direction of Treasury yields most years since the global financial crisis," he says.

US inflation has undershot the Fed's 2% target for much of the economic recovery despite an extended period of low interest rates and solid economic growth, in part because of stagnant underlying wages for most workers.  
Read »

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

What Trump Will Spend Money On and Not

Trump WON’T spend money on: -Health care -The American people -Roads, bridges & tunnels -Renewable energy -Science -Puerto Rico Trump WILL spend money on: -A wall -Grand military parade -Personal vacations -A helicopter pad -Rallies -Paying off pornstars

America's mental state at this time.

Introduction to Manures, Fertilisers and Soil Fertility Management [Year-3]

Carnivore's Dilemma: What's the Matter With Horsemeat? - Zagat Documenta...

Horse meat could be coming back to U.S.

Why Natural Gas Could Be the Fuel That Changes the World

Military Budgets by Country, Who is Really Trying to Rule the World? In Billions $

United States              611                           USA            611   (World Police)
China                          216                           China          216   (Chinese Expansion)
Russia                           70                           EU              184   (NATO)
Saudi Arabia                 64                          GCC            102   (Oil)                                                                 
India                              56                          Russia           70   (Expansion)
France                           56
United Kindom             49
Japan                             46
Germany                       41
South Korea                  37
Italy                               28
Australia                       25
Brazil                            23
UAR                             23
Israel                             18
Canada                         16
Spain                            15
Turkey                          15
Iran                               12
Algeria                          11
Singapore                     10
Taiwan                          10
Pakistan                        10
Colombia                      10
Poland                           10
Netherlands                    9
Oman                             9
Indonesia                       8
Mexico                           7
Kuwait                           7 

USA vs RUSSIA vs CHINA .Who Will Win?? Military Power Comparisons 2018


Summiting Adam's Peak in Sri Lanka | Coconuts TV

Elvis Presley Fame and Fortune ~ Stuck On You ~ Witchcraft

The Peculiar Origin of the Horn African Nations

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Kym Sims - Too Blind To See It

Inflation, Trade Wars, Free Trade, Immigration Policy, Globalism

Inflation: Inflation happens when there is a shortage of labor in which draws up labor cost intern drive up demand because of the shortage which is priced into the cost of the service or product you buy and this intern becomes inflation, in which we will experience in stock market corrections, high mortgage refinancing, and loans.

Sooooo.........Trump's policy on trade wars, immigration, and free trade, for all you nationalist out there, you have to create a demand, but if prices go too high, people will pull back or keep away from paying the high price for the service or product.

All things are figured into the price, the cost of labor, cost of materials, taxes on the products. shortages of the product (supply and demand). With trade wars, tariffs, the price will be added and passed onto the consumer. Oh, yeah, you will make a bigger paycheck, but your expenses will be more, and this is the stupidity of not understanding inflation.

Free trade gives you a wide variety of products to choose from. This is why you got your Walmarts, Targets, Amazons, Dollar Stores etc Well if we have trade wars, these products get marked up because your government wants to bring in more revenue. This is the hidden tax on you when you buy the product, so the tax cut you got, you wonder where it is, I'm making more money, but can't afford things anymore. Learn what tariffs are and inflation and the reaction thereof.

Immigration is important because it does not cause labor shortages, healthcare services and keep the price of American products down in the manufacturing, services provided, which intern brings you the cheap product.

So next time you don't want to think of the free trade, globalism, immigration, trade wars, then learn the hard way which will happen in the near future with Trumponomics.


Is the two-state solution dead? - UpFront, Jerusalem Devide, The Real Australian Discrimination (Natives), The Alt Right in Europe

Monday, February 5, 2018

Nu Shooz - "Point Of No Return" (Official Music Video)

Nu Shooz - "Point Of No Return" (Official Music Video)

Nu Shooz - "Point Of No Return" (Official Music Video)

Samuel Hopkins Adams

Samuel Hopkins Adams

The Truth About South Africa's Farmer Massacre, Prejudice is a Two Way Street

Dow Tumbles 666 Points As Stock Market Drops Amid Fears Of Rising Intere...

Dow Tumbles 666 Points As Stock Market Drops Amid Fears Of Rising Intere...

Garbage - I Think I'm Paranoid

The Killers - Human

Twista - Wetter (Girl version, response to sammie remix)

Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere [Official Music Video]

Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere [Official Music Video]

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Sundays - Summertime

What Every Girl Needs To Hear

Marv Johnson - Come To Me

All Gangs are Cults

*NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye

Ricky Nelson Everlovin'

A Yiddish World Remembered (2002)

The Beatles - Lady Madonna

Cynthia & Johnny O - Dream Boy Dream Girl, Free Speech, Free Flow Social Site, Say What You Like

No nannie social censoring.

the crests!!!! six nights a week

Lisa Keith - Better Than You

Friday, February 2, 2018

What is Religion and How Should It Be Absorbed By You

Religion is a force of conning, gaining from the gullible, the downtrodden. It is a force that does not mix with government. It is evil when it justifies a cause of killing, starting wars, enslaving people to its ways of beliefs to fill its coffers. Technology, science, freedom of thought and freedom of spirit is its competition. It is not meant to be violent, an excuse for worldwide terrorism, gender inequality. To educate yourself from or with religion is your choice. But in your journey in life in educating and research learning or lifelong learning, use logic and reason in that process.There is no faithless because one always puts themselves to be faithful to something but better to be globally universal in thought, multiculturalism, and philosophical disciplines.

Would we be better off without religion ��? - UpFront

What's in a Lichen? How Scientists Got It Wrong for 150 Years | Short Fi...

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Erdogan's new front: Turkey takes on Syria's Kurds (part 2)

Erdogan's new front: Turkey takes on Syria's Kurds (part 1)

Stimulation of Governmental Budgets, Peace Not War, Safety Nets and Individual Retirement

Why stimulate the cost of worldwide governmental budgets. Stimulate the cost of war and destruction vs worldwide free trade, economic world progression though peace and the United Nations in one world community. The welfare of the people in the world, freeing them from religious suppression, political monopolies, oligarchal billionaires, religious fanaticism, control freaks, greed mongers, religion in governmental compacity and humans over animals. Think free, be free, free individual spirit, free consumerism of the market directing supply and demand. The multicultural diversity that builds bridges to other cultures through understanding. When will we learn?

Why cut peoples safety nets, the retirement they worked for. Peace in the world is a lot less expensive than war, conflict, your tax cut and the selling of weapons 

Energy Over Time and What is Being Used Today, Increasing in Methods

In 2016, the shares of total primary energy consumption for the five energy-consuming sectors were:
  • Electric power—39%
  • Transportation—29%
  • Industrial—22%
  • Residential—6%
  • Commercial—4%

  • Coal production peaked in 2008 and trended down through 2016. Coal production in 2016 was about the same as production was in 1977. The primary reason for the general decline in coal production in recent years is the decrease in coal consumption for electricity generation.
  • Natural gas production in 2016 was the second largest amount after the record high production in 2015. More efficient and cost-effective drilling and production techniques have resulted in increased production of natural gas from shale formations.
  • Crude oil production generally decreased each year between 1970 and 2008. In 2009, the trend reversed and production began to rise. More cost-effective drilling and production technologies helped to boost production, especially in Texas and North Dakota. In 2016, crude oil production was lower than production in 2015, mainly because of lower global crude oil prices.
  • Natural gas plant liquids (NGPL) are hydrocarbon gas liquids that are extracted from natural gas before the natural gas is put into pipelines for transmission to consumers. NGPL production has increased alongside increases in natural gas production. In 2016, NGPL production reached a record high.
  • Total renewable energy production and consumption both reached record highs of about 10 quadrillions Btu in 2016. Hydroelectric power production in 2016 was about 12% below the 50-year average, but increases in energy production from wind and solar helped to increase the overall energy production from renewable sources. Energy production from wind and solar were at record highs in 2016.

Literal Bible Believers Don't Like Being Questioned

Bernie Responds to the State of the Union

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The Actual State of Our Union | January 31, 2018 Act 1 | Full Frontal on...

How stress affects your body - Sharon Horesh Bergquist, People kill people