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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Idaho Bans Climate Change Education, Prohibition Repeated? North Korean and South Korean Unity

Idaho bans climate change education: 

The earth has an immune system and it saying this, it reacts as if you have a virus or allergy and in this process, it will act erratically in the form of hurricanes, extreme weather patterns. So the lesson on stupidity, ignorance or greed, you listen and learn or learn the hard way, just let us learn, thanks to the ignorant voters

Prohibition again!

Prohibition in the 20's was pushed by politicians, far right church advocates and the women at that time because of the drunken husbands at that time. Also at that time, women got the right to vote. The drug war of the 80, gangs, the prohibition in the 20's and 30's the black market and we go again with the new DOJ's policies.

North Korea and South Korean Peace Progression at the Olympics

It is none of our business if the two Korea's want to reconcile their differences. It is not up to the US and China to make that decision for them. It is just a power grab for economics between China and the US, most likely to do with weapons sales $$$$.

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