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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

League of Nations, Wilson, WW1, Religion, Prohibition, Gangs, Nationalism, Asia, Europe, Middle East, UN, Black Markets and Law Inc

n 1914-18, the world went to war. In 1916-18, Wilson wanted to create the League of Nations. 1919 Harding ran for president, under the slogan make America great again, the gap between the rich and poor 1923-29, and from 1924-33, prohibition and gangsters making money.

In 1933, Roosevelt was elected, as was Obama during the recession, and we saw our way out of the depression, then cam Hitler 1933-45, Nationalist (Nazis), World War 2. Mirror this now, rise of nationalism in Europe, China ins the South China Sea, Look familiar, just different,,

players. The USA threatening to pull out of the UN, which has held the world away from the brink of a 3rd world war. Conflict on the Korean Peninsula, South China Sea, Middle East (Shiites vs. Sunni), Cold War Issues in Europe, Seems like we are losing view of history repeating.

Couple things. Prohibition sucks, and religious fanaticism brought that on. Make America great again, make the world great again. Rise of nationalism before WW2, Remember Law Inc and black markets are profitable for gangs and organized crime (Russian Collusion?). Think!

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