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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Fascism, Isolationism, Make the World Great Again, UN, WW#, Depression, Prohibition, Dark Ages, Etc

I think our nation is turning into a fight between all types of Fascism. It seems we get hooked on color, tribalism, groups, in our comfort zones without being diverse with the rest of the world. This is what separated the rest of the world in the 20's and 30's. In the office at that time was separatist homophobic, even Harding belonged to the KKK and wanted to make America Great Again. We are repeating the same pattern with what we are being told what is fake and what is not, programming the population.
We are repeating the same pattern that we did that time now. The chapters follow. No League of Nations, Harding, KKK, Make America Great Again, bubble stock market prosperity, the party is over, depression or stock market hangover, Gangs controlling the cities, black market thriving, fascism in Europe, fighting of rights in the Pacific. Maybe in the future, WW3 with nuclear weapons, and a aftermath of a new civilization on earth.I is like the Tower of Babel when the world came together and started to work as one, then religion takes it down, disrupting the free flow of world information by confusing the languages. Is it why they want to control the Internet, have religion be part of the government, the World Christian White European which ruled the rest of the world in history through religious provocation, rule, and greed of other countries. The Internet will never be controlled by a few, not if worldwide democracy is spreading and not suppressed. Globalization, free markets, the spread of democracy in its many forms through what is elected by the people without being monopolized (communism), mixing of the races and cultures, free-thinking individuals which spark innovation, and the right of anyone to believe and practice which they want. For now, we as human beings can be part of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge to become a greater humanity without the oligarchical programming and rule. Remember that the last global religious governing takeover of the world was called The Dark Ages.

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