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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

United Nations Mission, The Reason for a Coalition of Nations Coming Together, China's Xi and the New Saudi King, Avoiding Nuclear War and Fragmentation

I still favor the answer by Sigmund Freud to this question. According to Freud, there is a force called “Eros” (Love) at work in human history, and it has this chronology:
(1) Clans fighting other clans;
(2) Tribes fighting other tribes;
(3) Tribal Federations fighting other Tribal Federations;
(4) Nations fighting other Nations.
Rebuttal: The clans can be broken through understanding each other's ways and respecting each other's belief, living, thoughts. This is why in the world we have today is a Uniting of Nations. The only poison to this is religious extremism, nationalism, fascism and of those being color blind to the fact that diversity is the best. War just stagnates life progression in the world that greedy sources want to control and this comes in many forms.
The principle here is that the groups keep getting larger and larger. The wars don’t stop, but they become less frequent (though larger). Freud saw Eros making this change — always uniting people into larger and larger groups.
Rebuttal: What is wrong with a universal coalition community of nations coming together for we all live on the same globe and share the same resources. Peace can be made through multicultural and multinational corporations, governments elected through worldwide democracies by the people and dictated by a free and open worldwide market. Instead of free trading blocks, it is time to move on to a World Free Trade Act.
The end result — he hoped — was that civilization would eventually unite All of Humanity into One Large Group. That would also seem to be the aim of Globalization.
Rebuttal: All humanity as a free humanity, a universal humanity and united one world coalition order and a worldwide representation according to a population. This is called a United Nations. This we already have in which most worldwide problems can be solved by uniting through one agreed front to the problem.
Although people do have a Bad Side — perhaps a Violent Side — people also have a Good Side, that is mutually grooming, and enjoys Team Sports. For this reason, there is a continual historical climb towards larger and larger Unities of People.

Capitalism has been the catalyst for the latest stretch of Unities — and even Red China has entered into Global Trading as a major player with major Capital.
Rebuttal: China will fracture as do all monopolized governments do. The Han outnumber the Manchurian government of Beijing, for all the money is made in Hong Kong and Shanghai. It is only a matter of time that free flow of information and markets change this. Xi and the new king of Saudi Arabia have the right idea in this, with Xi offering the One Road One Belt initiative, he will become the Gorbachov of China in time. He is already consolidating power for this as such the king of Saudi Arabia will do in the Middle East in the declining worldwide addiction to oil.
Ultimately, then, Globalism has only one enemy, namely, Nationalist Racism. Any nation can be racist. Germany was that last openly Racist nation, and they boasted that they would Dominate and even Enslave the rest of the world. They met a very bitter end at the hands of the Russians and the Anglo-Americans.
It would be one of the ironies of the history of the Russians or the Anglo-Americans decided to repeat the errors of Germany. It would be surprising if China decided to repeat those errors. Nobody can predict the future. Sometimes it seems that history has become a race between Nuclear Annihilation and Globalism. We must seek to avoid nuclear war at all costs — there’s my opinion.

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