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Friday, February 23, 2018

Lobbies in the White House, Some Have Dropped Out or Conned, Nationalism, Prosperity, Bust, Gangs, Evangelicals and the Push for Prohibition, Depression, and World War with Nuclear Weapons

In the White House, there are billionaire cabinet members, the first of their kind. There are people who want to bring back the Harding-Coolidge-Hoover days of nationalism. isolationism, economic elites. An example of these are the Koch brothers that backed the Trump campaign. To create an oligarchical society such as in Russia. Putin, for example, is worth $100+ billion. Russian capitalism is one of the most ruthless forms of capitalisms, a sort of mobster political and capitalistic state.

In the Trump White House was the beginning of lobbies that were part of his cabinet, such as the evangelicals, the military complex, law inc, nationalist and the Zionist. The Nationalist have dropped out as did many billionaires executives

If you relate to what they want is to bring us back to a time in repeating history. Here is what will repeat itself. Booming economy to last maybe 10 years, a bubble burst as did in 1920. At that time 1919-33, you had evangelicals leading the way with greedy and Bible-thumping getting involved in political causes that spawned candidates, Republicans to support prohibition, such as banning alcohol, which in turn brought and fueled the black markets.

These were horrible and restrictive times, that looked down upon the poor and those which did not meet the Christian hypocritic creed, in turn, no one knew what to do because the stress busters were taken away from them and to only find solitude in illegal saloons, moonshining and whatever they had to escape the grasp of evangelical expression.

After the stock market crash of 1929, Roosevelt was elected by a landslide. He repealed the prohibition laws, started the Job Corp, the Social Security Act, but only made one mistake staying not internationally engaged, taking a pacified route to wars, conflicts and diplomatic relationships.

Becuase of the nationalistic isolationist view that America took around the world, there was a rise in nationalism and imperialism and the military buildup unchecked around the world. Also, we rejected the League of Nations, now we have the United Nations that keeps the checks and balances that prevent world wars.

Anyway, the story goes in line like this and is being repeated with similarities to what is happening today. Isolationism, nationalism, prohibition or the erosion of civil rights, personal liberties and the free flow of information. All which are trying to be controlled by this White House. Then came the rise of fascism, Nazism, communism (monopolized party politics) sound familiar? World War 2,

The pattern is oh so familiar but we are being blinded by seeing this scenario today. It is as plain as day. This is my warning that we can change this. Please feel free to copy, distribute, share and express your opinion on this so that others may see what I see. You can find me at frockman232@gmail. for further correspondence to this subject matter and feel free to visit me on twitter, tumblr, vk and G+ 

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