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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Stimulation of Governmental Budgets, Peace Not War, Safety Nets and Individual Retirement

Why stimulate the cost of worldwide governmental budgets. Stimulate the cost of war and destruction vs worldwide free trade, economic world progression though peace and the United Nations in one world community. The welfare of the people in the world, freeing them from religious suppression, political monopolies, oligarchal billionaires, religious fanaticism, control freaks, greed mongers, religion in governmental compacity and humans over animals. Think free, be free, free individual spirit, free consumerism of the market directing supply and demand. The multicultural diversity that builds bridges to other cultures through understanding. When will we learn?

Why cut peoples safety nets, the retirement they worked for. Peace in the world is a lot less expensive than war, conflict, your tax cut and the selling of weapons 

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