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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Inflation, Trade Wars, Free Trade, Immigration Policy, Globalism

Inflation: Inflation happens when there is a shortage of labor in which draws up labor cost intern drive up demand because of the shortage which is priced into the cost of the service or product you buy and this intern becomes inflation, in which we will experience in stock market corrections, high mortgage refinancing, and loans.

Sooooo.........Trump's policy on trade wars, immigration, and free trade, for all you nationalist out there, you have to create a demand, but if prices go too high, people will pull back or keep away from paying the high price for the service or product.

All things are figured into the price, the cost of labor, cost of materials, taxes on the products. shortages of the product (supply and demand). With trade wars, tariffs, the price will be added and passed onto the consumer. Oh, yeah, you will make a bigger paycheck, but your expenses will be more, and this is the stupidity of not understanding inflation.

Free trade gives you a wide variety of products to choose from. This is why you got your Walmarts, Targets, Amazons, Dollar Stores etc Well if we have trade wars, these products get marked up because your government wants to bring in more revenue. This is the hidden tax on you when you buy the product, so the tax cut you got, you wonder where it is, I'm making more money, but can't afford things anymore. Learn what tariffs are and inflation and the reaction thereof.

Immigration is important because it does not cause labor shortages, healthcare services and keep the price of American products down in the manufacturing, services provided, which intern brings you the cheap product.

So next time you don't want to think of the free trade, globalism, immigration, trade wars, then learn the hard way which will happen in the near future with Trumponomics.


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