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Friday, March 1, 2019

Typical Trump Voter With a Big Ego

ou need to call up Scotty and ask him to beam you up.  That is some pretty moronic stuff. No borders, No nation. Screw that! 
In the next 30 years,North-South movement in world economies will be the trend with migration, deregulated immigration, dual citizenships, and relaxed border controls, open borders to be able to access labor pools, producing products to fulfill the supply and demand that will be needed in areas of the world in the coming future.

Counter the debate, instead of blurting out bot comments, Give reason, logic, and research to your insult to satisfy your egotism. I since you are an isolationist, protectionist and a nationalist? Do you shop at Walmart, own a foreign car? Bought any foreign products? Then you might be a globalist. Any who. But thank you, gave me an idea for my next video.

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