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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Jehovah Witness and Its Origins (Indiana USA)

JEHOVAH'S WITNESS ("Watchtower Bible and Tract Society") Belief in Deity: There is one God Almighty - a Spirit Being with a body but not a human body. There is one God and no Trinity. Incarnations: Incarnations: Christ is Lord and Savior, but not God (Jehovah) incarnate, not a God-man but inferior to God, not part of a Godhead. He was a created spirit being, God's only begotten a son, sent to Earth as a perfect human. His sacrifice became the "ransom" price to redeem mankind from sin and death. God created all in heaven and on Earth through Christ, the "master worker," God's servant. After Christ's resurrection by God, he was "exalted" to a level higher than an angel. Origin of universe and life: God created the heavens and earth in six days but each "day" is equal to thousands of years. God created and controls all processes and events. After death: Other than the "little flock" of 144,000 faithful Christians who rose to heaven to rule over the earth with Christ, a process completed since 1914, people cease to exist after death; the soul does not survive. At a time appointed by God, Jesus Christ will cleanse the earth, destroy the wicked, eliminate Satan, evil, illness, and death. God will recreate the body and soul of each of the righteous (and potentially righteous) to spend eternity on this restored, paradisiacal earth. Why evil? The original sin caused humans to inherit death and sin. Satan and his demons pervade the earth as spirits tempting all to sin, which God allows as a test of faith in Him. Salvation: You must show faith in God and in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Adhere to the practices, requirements, commandments, laws, and sacraments of the faith. "Witnessing" and active sharing of their faith with others is fundamental. Avoid behaviors that God dislikes, including the celebration of birthdays and holidays originating from false religions. Undeserved suffering: Much suffering is caused by the inheritance of mortality from Adam and Eve, which includes vulnerability to illness and disease. Also, those who choose to succumb to Satan's temptations may suffer self-inflicted damage to their health. Satan and his demons cause great misery. God has allowed the situation to continue so that mankind can discover that God's rule is better than independent human-rule. He has allowed Satan to cause suffering to challenge Satan's claim that God's creation, humans, would turn from and curse God under pressure. Contemporary issues: Abortion is wrong. Homosexuality is a serious sin. Gender roles are defined -- men are the head of the household and women are loving caretakers who assist the husband in teaching the children. Divorce is permitted under certain circumstances, but Jehovah hates remarriage unless the divorce occurred as a result of adultery. Service in armed forces or any form of allegiance to government is prohibited; one must only show allegiance to the Kingdom of Christ. Blood transfusions, along with ingesting blood, are considered wrong, as God said the soul is in the blood. Bone marrow transplants are left to the individual conscience. (Note: all other forms of medical treatment are acceptable.) Jehovah's Witnesses persistently promote their belief system, especially through the dissemination of Watchtower Society literature and door-to-door contacts. 

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