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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Roman Catholic Church

ROMAN CATHOLIC Note: (1) Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox have much in common. (2) Anglican/Episcopalian has much in common with the Catholic church, considered a "bridge" denomination between Protestant and Catholic. Belief in Deity: Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Christ), and God the Holy Spirit, which comprises one God Almighty -- incorporeal spirit. Incarnations: Jesus Christ is God's only incarnation, Son of God and God. Origin of universe and life: A literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis is held by some, but the Church maintains that God gave humankind both supernatural revelation in the Bible and natural revelation through the rational human mind. One may harmonize science with the Book of Genesis in that a "day" in the Bible is not defined as a 24 hour day. It is infallible that God created the universe from nothing, thus if the "Big Bang" theory is true, then God created this event. If evolution did occur, it only occurred under the choice and control of God, and only with the understanding that God breathed the first soul into the first man and all souls are immediately created by God After death: God judges who will go immediately to heaven or hell and who will experience the suffering and joys of purgatory for purification of all sins before heaven. Afterlife reward and punishment are relative to one's faith and deeds. Hell is considered a place of torture (eternal fire), especially the torment of eternal separation from God, a condition of one's own making by lack of faith in God and by committing an unrepentant mortal sin(s). Christ will return to resurrect body with soul and judge each for eternal happiness in a perfectly renewed universe in Christ (heaven) or for eternal torment in hell. Why wrongdoing? Due to Adam and Eve's original sin, all are born sinners and are prone to the influence of Satan, but all have the potential to attain righteousness. Salvation: One strives for salvation through worship and prayer to God the Father, in Jesus Christ, through the working of the Holy Spirit; good works, and seven sacraments, including one (infant) baptism and Communion. One's salvation must be restored after the commission of mortal sin by repeating the sacraments of Repentance/Confession and Communion. Confession of "venial" (less serious) sins to a priest are recommended but generally not required for salvation. Undeserved Suffering: Some suffering is caused by the inheritance of mortality originating from Adam and Eve's disobedience to God, which includes vulnerability to illness and disease. Also, Satan's presence causes pain and suffering. Suffering is God's design to test, teach, or strengthen belief in Him; the greater the suffering of innocent believers, the greater will be their reward afterlife. Contemporary Issues: Abortion is considered to be a form of murder, an act worthy of excommunication. Homosexual behavior is unacceptable. Women and men are considered equal in dignity and value; however, it is a priority to enable and encourage women to be mothers and wives, which are highly valued roles. Marriage is considered a sacrament and permanent until the death of a spouse. Divorce is not recognized, therefore remarriage results in sinful behavior unless the first marriage is nullified, declared invalid and non-sacrament, by the Church. Remarriage after civil divorce (without nullification) results in an inability to receive Church sacraments.

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