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Friday, March 29, 2019

Healthcare, Housing, Security, Clean Air and Water, Healthy Food and Nature with the New Green Deal

Health Care, Housing, Security, Clean Air, and Water, Healthy Food and Nature

Providing all people of the United States with —  high-quality health care;  affordable, safe, and adequate housing;  economic security; and  access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature
This is lumping a lot of things in together. The quibble here between progressives and conservatives will be whether the US government should be providing access to health care. Many Green New Deal supporters all support "Medicare-for-all," which is both a general idea that many Democrats are behind and also a specific policy proposal that has fewer supporters.
    One question is whether the government would have to essentially end the private health care industry in order to create a public one. That kind of drastic change has the potential to really frighten voters, who punished Democrats for creating the Affordable Care Act in 2010 and then published Republicans for trying to take it away in 2018.
    The government already does quite a lot, although some say not nearly enough, on the food, water, air and nature fronts with the Food and Drug Administration, the USDA, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Park Service, so it's hard to so say what would change under a Green New Deal without more specifics.

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