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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Church of the Latter Day Saints-Mormon and Its Origins (New York USA)

MORMON - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Belief in Deity: A "Godhead" of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as three separate entities united in purpose. God the Father resides in heaven with His wife the Heavenly Mother, Christ their only begotten Son, and "exalted" Mormons who become godlike in heaven. God has a perfect body, which looks like ours. Incarnations: Jesus Christ is not God incarnate, but God's firstborn son. Jesus is Lord and Savior; God of this earth; creator of all in heaven and earth as directed by God the Father; one in purpose with the Father and the Holy Spirit -- a Godhead of three separate members. Origin of universe and life: God created the heavens and earth in six time periods -- the word "day" is not of a specified number of years. After death: One's spirit immediately joins the spirit world and will be assigned to either paradise or spirit prison. Based on one's record of thoughts, words, and actions, righteous believers will live in a state of paradisiacal happiness. Unbelievers and sinners in spirit prison will live in misery, but they are provided the opportunity to repent, accept the gospel, receive ordinances performed for them by the living, and thus move to the lowest level of heaven. At the Final Judgment and Resurrection, most will be assigned to one of three kingdoms of heaven where spiritual growth continues. Only a relatively few, the unpardonable sinners, will suffer eternal torture in the outer darkness as most will have accepted the gospel and suffered for their sins enough by the end of the Millenium. Why evil? Humans did not inherit guilt, as children are innocent, but Adam and Eve's original sin resulted in adult propensity for sin and the presence of evil in the world. The Fall was a planned blessing from God, enabling people to experience human bodies, the joy of redemption, to procreate, and to do good (to which evil is a necessary complement). Satan and his demons pervade the earth as fallen angels tempting all to sin. God gave people free will, and Satan's temptations are a blessing from God so that people can show their faith by resisting. Salvation: Show faith in and obedience to God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Adhere to the practices, requirements, commandments, laws, and sacraments of the faith as exemplified by Jesus Christ. Good works are integral to the faith through monthly fasts and fast offerings to the needy, to show your obedience and love for God. Baptism at age 8 is necessary, the age of accountability, and be confirmed as a member of the church. Confess all sins to God, and major transgressions to a presiding officer as well. Receive the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost; receive the temple endowment; be married for time and eternity. Undeserved suffering: Adam and Eve disobeyed God, thus the first humans and their descendants lost their immortality and connection to God, gaining physical bodies that suffer disease and deterioration. Also, Satan pervades the earth and causes misery to those who succumb to temptation. God allows Satan to cause misery to mankind as an opportunity to test, challenge, and strengthen character and faith. Contemporary Issues: Abortion is wrong. Homosexual behavior is wrong and homosexual rights are vehemently opposed. The divine role of a woman is mother and wife, helper to the husband. Men are regarded as the head of the family, provider, leader, and teacher. Marriage is regarded as eternal and a sacrament, and divorce is strongly discouraged, but it is permitted if necessary. The marriage seal must be canceled by the church, not just through civil action. In keeping with the belief that doing good works is essential for salvation and is Christian, Mormons established a "welfare" program. Mormons practice monthly fasts and give fast offerings to assist the needy.

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