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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Eastern Orthodox and Its Origins (Russia)

EASTERN ORTHODOX Includes the Church of Greece, the Church of Cyprus, and the Russian Orthodox Church. Belief in Deity: Trinity of the God the Father, the Son (Christ), and the Holy Spirit, which comprises one God Almighty - incorporeal spirit. Incarnations: Jesus Christ is God's only incarnation, Son of God and God. Origin of universe and life: God created the universe and life. The Bible is not intended to be a scientific revelation, and science is not infallible. There is no desire to create conflict between science and Christian faith. After death: God immediately judges who will experience happiness (heaven), unhappiness (hell), or temporary punishment. Those who kept faith in Christ didn't sin after baptized or repented before death and did good works will find happiness after death. Those whose faith in Christ was lacking or corrupt, or sinned after baptism without repentance before death, or didn't do good deeds will find unhappiness after death. Those whose only transgression was not performing good deeds may be punished temporarily. Christ will return to resurrect and judge all for eternity in either heaven or hell. Level of reward is relative to one's deeds in life. Why wrongdoing? God made humans righteous by nature, but the original sin of Adam and Eve damaged that nature. All have been potentially saved through Christ's death, but those not "in Christ," born to God, are vulnerable to being with the devil, born to the devil. Satan and his countless evil spirits work to lie and tempt those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit to commit wrongs. Salvation: All are already potentially saved (through Christ's death and resurrection), are still being saved (through faith), and will be saved in the future (with the second coming of Christ). Demands faith in and prayers to God the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit; good works. Required sacraments include one baptism at infancy and the Holy Eucharist with confession and repentance. Adherence to moral laws is essential. Undeserved Suffering: Some suffering is caused by the inheritance of mortality originating from Adam and Eve's disobedience to God, which includes vulnerability to illness and disease. Also, Satan's presence causes pain and suffering. Suffering is God's design to test, teach, or strengthen belief in Him; the greater the suffering of innocent believers, the greater will be their reward afterlife. Issues: Abortion is a sin. Homosexual behavior is a sin. Marriage is considered a sacrament and permanent, but divorce and remarriage are not condemned if reconciliation attempts are exhausted. A remarriage wedding ceremony must include prayer and repentance for the commission of sin. Remarriage may only occur three times. Some churches provide "ecclesiastical divorce" and "ecclesiastical remarriage" license.

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