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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Secular Humanism and Its Origins (UK & USA)

SECULAR HUMANIST Generally, Secular Humanists are atheists or agnostics who value ethics, reason, logic, rational/critical thinking, inquisitiveness, use of scientific methods to learn about the world, and humanitarian action to improve the quality of life of individuals and humankind. Related: Scientific Humanism, Scientific Skeptics; Freethought, Ethical Culture, etc.. Some secular humanists identify as "deist," believing that a mystical force was responsible for the origins of matter and life ("First Cause"), but is no longer present or in control. Belief in Deity: Belief in a deity is disregarded as irrational or as an unnecessary hypothesis, or unknowable; many secular humanists take a strong atheistic stand. Some say that claiming the existence of a "Flying Spaghetti Monster" is no less valid than claims of a Supreme Being. Incarnations: Same as above. Origins of universe/life: The scientific method is most respected as the means for revealing the mysteries of the origins of the universe and life. After death: The concept of an afterlife or any kind of spiritual existence after death is not recognized or is viewed with deep skepticism, or viewed as unimportant/irrelevant as it cannot be disproved. Some oppose such beliefs as irrational or lacking in credible evidence. Those who claim to be able to contact or "channel" the dead are viewed with suspicion. No afterlife heaven or hell: most important is how you live your life and serve humanity now. Why evil? No concept of "evil," or Satan, or supernatural Karmic action. Reasons for wrongdoing are explored through scientific methods, e.g. through the study of sociology, psychology, criminology, etc. Salvation: No concept of afterlife or spiritual liberation or salvation. Realizing ones personal potential and working for the betterment of humanity through ethical consciousness and social works are considered paramount but from a naturalistic rather than a spiritual standpoint. Undeserved suffering: No spiritual reasons, but rather a matter of human vulnerability to misfortune, illness, natural disasters, and victimization. Secular humanists believe rational thinking and human actions can reduce human suffering. Contemporary Issues: The American Humanist Association endorses self-determination and privacy in matters such as abortion, reproduction, sexual orientation, gender roles, etc.. Secular humanists generally initiate and support secular programs/legal action for equal rights for homosexuals, gender equality, racial equality, anti-poverty, health, peace and non-violence, and environmental protection. They value the separation of church and state. They take a secular approach to divorce and remarriage. Some organizations actively oppose supernatural and/or unproven claims (e.g."pseudoscience"), which are regarded as obstacles to individual well-being and human progress.

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