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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Old Way, Selling Fear, Terrorisms, Ideologies, Gods, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, World Pride vs Nationalistic Pride, The Sacrifice of Others, More More More, Black and White Pride

We are building tunnels to hide,
As paranoia creeps beneath our skin 
White nationalist, black nationalist, Islam
 says the world, its a sin
Your Gods programming others but in reality,
It is The Tree of Life vs the Tree of Human Knowledge again,  

Use your religion as a weapon and cause
Split the world into old institutional ways,
Making others your carrier for
Your brainwashing old institutional ways for modern times 

Religion needs more babies for his little war machine 

You show allegiance, to an ideology
And say we are free
Stripped of the law of choice it's all just make belief

Bow to your God, but which one is right,
Pray that your God gives you prosperity in the cost of others
Ask your God what he thinks
But without logic, reason, critical thought of the masses of other cultures

A wife and child cries out
Have you seen my dad or husband?
I don't think he's ever coming back
We want more for our cause and war machine

Let's go fight for our fathers, a nationalistic conquering pride
Fight for what your religion and culture says is sins
but then what is according to a majority is sin
Whites and Blacks, color pride
creating fear, terror, paranoia getting under our skin
Cause they know the gullible, the desperate, the tribalism brainwashing ways
There is a better way, one world, multicultural, without wars, unless necessary
Diplomacy is less expensive than wars 

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