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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mahayana Buddhism Explained Origin Northern India

  •  Other belief system descriptions Include diverse beliefs, various sects, schools, and trends. Main Mahayana sects include Pure Land and Zen. Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism is often considered a separate branch. We focus here on some of the traditional elements of Mahayana Buddhism. Belief in Deity: Both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism posit no Creator or ruler of God. However, deity belief is present in the Mahayana doctrine of The Three Bodies (forms) of Buddha: (1) Body of Essence -- the indescribable, impersonal Absolute Reality, or Ultimate Truth which is Nirvana (Infinite Bliss); (2)Body of Bliss or Enjoyment -- Buddha as divine, deity, formless, Celestial spirit with saving power of grace, omnipotence, omniscience; and (3) Body of Transformation or Emanation --an illusion or emanation in human form provided by the divine Buddha to guide humans to Enlightenment. Any person can potentially achieve Buddhahood, transcending personality and becoming one with the impersonal Ultimate Reality, which is Infinite Bliss (Nirvana). There are countless Buddhas presiding over countless universes. Bodhisattvas, humans and celestial spirits who sacrifice their imminent liberation (Buddhahood) to help all others to become liberated, are revered or worshipped as Gods or saints by some. Incarnations: The historical Buddha, the person Siddartha Gautama, is considered by many as an emanation or illusion of the highest power (which is also called Buddha). Many believe there have been countless Buddhas on earth. Origins of universe/life: No Creator God. All matter is an illusion or manifestation of the Ultimate Reality. Generally, Mahayana Buddhist beliefs don't find modern scientific discoveries contradictory to Buddhist thought. After death: After death: There is no Transmigration of individual souls, but through the law of karma, one's wholesome or unwholesome intentions become imprinted in the mind. Negative mental states persist through continual rebirth until one's intentions become wholesome. Once fully enlightened, one is liberated from rebirths, reaching a state of absolute selflessness resulting in ultimate bliss called Nirvana--the "Deathless State". One becomes Buddha (or one with Buddha). Some Buddhists, especially modern Western, don't emphasize or believe in literal rebirth. Why evil? People have free will to commit wrongs. Evil results as cravings, attachments, and ignorance accumulate through perpetual rebirths, thus perpetuating greed, hatred, violence. Salvation: The goal is Enlightenment, leading to Nirvana, liberation from cycles of rebirth and suffering, which is life. All are already endowed with Buddha nature but need to come to fully realize that only the Ultimate Reality (the great "void" or "emptiness") is real (or nonconditional) and permanent. The Four Noble Truths and Eight-fold path show the way, along with the worship of the essential Buddha. One must work to extinguish self: all worldly cravings, desires, and attachments, through loving-kindness, compassion, charity, moral conduct, wisdom, and meditation. Renouncing worldly possessions and goals is not necessary for the laity if balanced. Buddha taught the middle path, moderation. Human and spirit world Bodhisattvas are sought for help in gaining enlightenment. Pure Land Mahayana Buddhists aim to find a place of eternal Nirvana in a paradisical Pure Land, attainable by calling out the name of the Buddha ruler of the Pure Land. Undeserved Suffering: Suffering is inherent in life. Suffering results from this past life greed, hatred, and ignorance, which, unless mitigated, returns as suffering (Karma). Intense suffering may be viewed as the release of karma, hastening one's liberation. Suffering is illusion or ignorance of one's true nature as Buddha -- the blissful "void." Contemporary Issues: Abortion is considered murder, and all violent acts cause horrific karmic consequence. Homosexuality in itself is not specifically condemned by scripture, but opinions vary, especially among various Buddhist cultures -- e.g. USA Buddhists are generally very accepting while Asian Buddhists are generally strongly opposed to homosexuality. It is believed that divorce wouldn't occur if one follows Buddhist precepts, but a couple is not condemned if they separate due to vast personal differences. Gender roles are generally traditional (e.g. woman as child caretakers and men as providers), but less rigid as contemporary demands are made on women (e.g. working women). Nonviolence and non-injury to other life forms and to the environment are fundamental. 
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