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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Liberal Quaker

LIBERAL QUAKER Liberal Quakers have been referred to as Hicksites, supporters of the influential 19th century liberal Quaker Elias Hicks; similar to Beanie Quaker. (Note other Quaker groups: Wilburites are traditional; Gurneyites are progressive, evangelical, and Bible-centered; Orthodox are Christocentric churches.) Belief in Deity: Diverse beliefs, from belief in a personal God as an incorporeal spirit to questioning belief in a personal God. Incarnations: Beliefs vary from the literal to the symbolic belief in Jesus Christ as God's incarnation. Most believe we are all sons and daughters of God with the main focus on experiencing and listening to God, the Light within, accessible to all. Origin of universe and life: Emphasis is placed on spiritual truths as revealed to each individual. Many believe that God created/controls all events/process that modern scientists are uncovering about origins. Many believe in scientific accounts alone, or don't profess to know. After death: Few liberal Quakers believe in direct reward and punishment, heaven and hell, or the second coming of Christ. The primary focus is non-dogmatic -- God is love, love is eternal, and our actions in life should reflect a love for all of humanity. Why evil? Beliefs vary, as the focus is not on why, but how to eliminate wrongs, especially violence. Many believe that violence against another human is violence against God. Many Quakers believe that lack of awareness of God's divine light within all may result in wrongdoing. Many believe that evil is simply an unfortunate part of human nature that we all must work to eliminate. Salvation: Diverse beliefs as there is a de-emphasis on dogma. Most believe that all will be saved as God is good and forgiving, and the divine light of God is available to all. Good works, especially social work and peace efforts, are viewed as integral to the salvation of humanity, regardless of belief or non-belief in an afterlife. Undeserved Suffering: Liberal Quakers do not believe that Satan causes suffering. Some believe suffering is part of God's plan, will, or design even if we don't immediately understand it. Some don't believe in any spiritual reasons for suffering. Quakers focus on reducing human suffering, especially that caused by social injustice or violence. Contemporary Issues: Views vary, some maintaining that abortion violates the Quaker commitment to nonviolence, but many view the right to choose abortion as an aspect of equal rights for women, and/or as a personal matter between the woman and God. The American Friends Service Committee (an independent Quaker organization with participants of many faiths that provides international programs for economic and social justice, peace, humanitarian aid) supports the woman's right to choose abortion per her own conscience. Very accepting of homosexual behavior and supportive of homosexual rights.

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