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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hinduism, Origin India


 Other belief system descriptions Belief in Deity: Diverse beliefs. Many Hindus believe in Brahman (God) as the impersonal ultimate reality/world soul. Many believe God is both impersonal force and personal savior. There are many or countless, gods and goddesses (devas) representative of various aspects of the One Supreme God. The Hindu trinity of Brahman is: the creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and destroyer (Shiva) of the universe. Incarnations: There are many if not countless incarnations and manifestations (avatars) of God also worshipped as Gods. Origin of universe/life: Diverse beliefs. Many believe the universe recreates itself cyclically after karma is extinguished from all individuals. Many believe in a Creator God, but not per the Book of Genesis. After death: Through laws of karma, one's soul is reborn until enlightened and liberated from rebirth at which time you enter a state of ultimate bliss (moksha) and become one with the ultimate truth and reality, God, Brahman. One may be reborn into a number of heavens and hells, or as lower life forms, depending on one's karma. Why evil? Diverse beliefs. Some believe in gods who have powers to do some evil, a small price to pay to have the gods on our side with their powers to provide great benefits. Many believe evil, sin, and death are illusions, as only the Ultimate Reality (or God) truly exists. Most believe people have free will to commit wrongs, and evil results as cravings, attachments, and ignorance accumulate through perpetual rebirths, resulting in greed, hatred, violence. The illusion of evil is extinguished with egoism through enlightenment. Salvation: To become liberated from cycles of rebirth and merge with the Universal Spirit, Brahman, one must worship God or gods, do good works, and live correctly according to the Dharma (based on one's caste and phase of life), go on pilgrimages to the holy places in India, and learn through meditation, yoga, and, with the help of a master, the truth of one's true nature as one with the Universal Spirit. An ascetic lifestyle is recommended in the last phase of life. Some Hindus believe salvation is granted by the grace of a forgiving God. Undeserved suffering: Many believe that suffering is a result of past life greed, hatred, and spiritual ignorance, which returns as suffering (karma). Coping with suffering is sometimes viewed as valuable in furthering spiritual growth. Suffering is also seen as illusory in that it results from attachment to bodily pleasure and pain, and only the Absolute, or God, truly exists. Contemporary Issues: Abortion is considered an abominable, as the fetus deserves protection. Views on homosexuality range from neutral to strong opposition, in part, because the sexual activity itself is generally regarded as contrary to enlightenment and, as such, is only acceptable within marriage for procreation. Divorce and remarriage are traditionally and culturally unacceptable, although not prohibited by the scriptures. Divorce and remarriage of windows are becoming more common, however, among Hindus. 

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