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Monday, April 30, 2018

Jersey Boys - Sherry (The story of The Four Seasons) HD

Almost Persuaded

Pink Floyd - Money (Official Music Video)

Tracey Ullman - They Don't Know

Joanie Sommers -- Johnny Get Angry

All Shook Up

All Have to Offer You is Me

Investment, 2025 Regional GDP % Type of Funds

European Funds                   12%
Emerging Markets               27%
Americas                              19%
Developing Markets            14%%
Greater Asian                       23%
Africa                                     4%
The Middle East                    4%
Oceania                                  3%
 Russia                                   4% 

This is where most of the GDP, human capital and material wealth will be generated by 2025. 

European countries will have to rely on immigration to grow because of the low fertility rate. Nationalism will die out with inflation and high interest rates that will stagnate the economies unless immigration is implemented for a quick fix. Consumer consumption will be low unless labor cost and the Euro falls to meet global competitiveness to other worldwide global products. GDP will be low, staying in the 1-3% range.

Emerging Market growth will be 6-8%

North America is getting away from immigration policies too, but again this will be short lived and 2019 will see a resignation or impeachment of a president and globalization will continue as usual.
Growth rates for North Americ will be 1-4%.

South America will be steady but look for population declines in Brazil. South America 2-5% growth.

Developing Markets are in between Emerging Market and Greater Asian Markets. Look for a 3-7% growth rate.

Africa, South Asia, Middle East will be where future manufacturing will be done for sources on cheap labor, growth rates in these countries will be 5-8%.

Russia and Oceana will grapple with labor shortages, again, immigration will be the quick fix until fertility rates become more stable or increased. Look for a 2-5% increase.                

5 Books You Must Read Before You Die

Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes: More Effective Than Metformin?

See What Happens To Your Body When You Start Taking Fish Oil Everyday

Natural Treatments for Diabetes

Professional Supplement Review - Bitter Melon

Is Honey Good for Diabetes

Is Honey Good for Diabetes

Sunday, April 29, 2018

GDP/Human Capital/Land Potential Index for Investing 2025 Main Counries

France                           4165
Germany                       4923
Italy                               2560
The Netherlands           1347
Spain                             1944
Switzerland                   1262
UK                                 4804

European Union          31,544       

Russia                            3486

China                           20,378

India                              3785
Indonesia                       1865
Japan                             5688
Korea                            2009
Saudi Arabia                 1145
Turkey                           1356

Asia                           44,408

Brazil                            3947
Canada                          2460
Mexico                         1895

USA                           24,498

The Americas            36,384

Africa                            3524

Oceania                        2437                                                   

In summary best areas to invest in a portfolio 

Asia                     38%
Americas             31%
Europe                 26%
Africa                    3%
Oceana                  2%

Clock DVA - 4 Hours

Countries with the Biggest Child Prostitution Problem

Sri Lanka

Countries with the Most Brothels

South Korea

World Cities with the Most Prostitution

Nairobi, Kenya
Cairo, Eygpt
Moscow, Russia
New York, USA
Manila, Philippines
Mumbai, India
Los Angeles, USA
Mexico City, Mexico
Jakarta, Indonesia

Syria reports rocket attacks on military bases near Hama, Aleppo

Biggest Cities in 2025

Tokyo, Japan                                36 million
Mumbai, Inda                               26 million
Delhi, India                                  23 million
Dhaka, Bangladesh                      22 million
Calcutta, India                              21 million
New York, USA                           21 million
Sao Paulo, Brazil                         21 million
Mexico City, Mexico                   21 million
Karachi, Pakistan                         19 million
Shanghai, China                           19 million

All for the Love of a Girl

All Along the Watchtower

Technology, Future in Thinking, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Energies of the Future, Spirituality and Science Conflict, Reason and Logic, Globalization, Free Though, Oligarchical Industries, Stagnaters of Globalization, Philosophical Conclusion

Technology and social change with must not be left behind in humanities ways of thinking. The world's downgrade on media, social media and those not willing to change and integrate these technologies into life will be left behind the curve. 
In the future, artificial intelligence will be part of your thinking, integrated with algorithms to help you in your decision making, matching you to paths that best suit your goals and comforts. Human interactions with others will not have that big of an impact, for this can and will be substituted. 
Biotechnology has already had an impact on us through the foods we eat, farming, curing diseases and so forth. It is usually the conservative traditionalist, religion and ethnic regulations that slow this technology down such as others. Biotechnology will have the biggest impacts on food production, curing medical problems, helping humanity live longer, genetic selection and organ growth. A future worth looking forward to. 
Nanotechnology is just starting to show promise on a global scaled. It will mostly be used in mechanical productions, manufacturing and solving medical problems which doctors cannot fix via conventional surgery within the body and bloodstreams.
Solar, wind, production will be on the forefronts of energy production. Hydropower is wasteful in a sense it should be used more toward water storage, it robs those down streams of much-needed water, water is becoming short in supply to keep up with the world's population and should be used more for agricultural growth and irrigation more than a power source. Bio power is not a good source either, because it affects the prices of food and feeding the world's populations.
Solar farms will be used more in desert lands to produce energy and will replace oil and other fossil fuels as the cost comes down on it. Companies are now working on solar panels that would be able to extract 5 times more energy than the common cells used today.
Wind farms can be adapted to many areas with high wind conditions, but will not go as far as solar will because of the cost of the infrastructure involved and the search for land that landowners will allow the turbines on. This is where public land will come into play to fill the gaps. 
Spirituality and science will be mixed together to form new philosophies on life. It will be mixed and diversified to fit each individual on the path or journey one chooses. Science and religion always seem to collide with each other, but both together can complement each other with great benefits. Most traditional religious doctrine should be used as warnings and reference to guide us morally to prevent corruption and greed which sometimes religion is used to hide the true meaning, sort of behind a smoke cloud of greed, fanaticism, extremism and personal gains from the gullible, the poor or desperate. We must use science advancements to enhance civilizations and philosophies to keep up with modern day trends in the way human civilizations are developing on there own through supply and demand market  and majority acceptance in ever-changing moral within a civilization or in this case a future of a one world civilization when open borders and open society through total connectivity will take place. 
Reason, logic, research, innovations, and imagination never stay the same in today's world and in the future and are changing with a speed greater than it did in the past, and even this is getting ever faster as times go on, minds and societies will evolve with this as globalization takes on more forms in development as one. This is where traditional though will stifle growth, ideas, and more cultural change, kind of keeping us in a time warp but the new will always bust out the gate and overwhelm. Change is good but also evolution and changing with the times, so ride the wave and go with the flow.
As renewable energies develop into the mainstream global civilization, as biotechnology, nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence take shape in a free marketed world population mixture in cultures, free trade according to consumer choice in supply and demand and acceptance a diversified world takes as a whole so will the depletion of conflicts, proxy wars and wars will die down. All will be worked out by a United Nations, international coalitions through dialogue and diplomatic diplomacy. Bad news for the weapons sellers.
Globalization is now working out the equality in riches as being shown through population representation more than a wealth of nations and the clout of being a superpower. In this meaning, and free markets and globalization have brought India and China out to the forefront and being the most populous countries in the world magnifying their Worth's in technological developments. The United Nations needs to be overhauled and the Security Counsel banded for a more simpler population-based representation in the United Nations Assembly. This will be for the betterment of the world based on people power and not wealth.
Free thinking, open media, especially social media, total interconnected through the Internet, where all would be connected to one another globally would be beneficial towards a greater socialized, better cultural, better economic, and better innovating world in which to live. 
There are many oligarchical industries in the world. These were big oil, western medicine, public colleges and universities, the big pharmacy which controls many aspects of patents on things that humanity can get but they are made illegal with laws to keep away from the general public. Big oil will be brought down by electric transportation, renewable energies and better battery technologies in the future. Western medicine will be made to compete against eastern medicines and holistic approaches in the field of herbals, one more beneficial aspect of one world coming together as one. Public education is it really needed anymore? What with the Internet, search engines and interconnecting of any organization or person with the rest of the world as a whole. Freethought, free markets and global individual liberties of one choosing one's path will change the definition of education. The only curriculum that will have to be taught would be the basics through the 9th grade and gaining the knowledge on how to research. Again, the big pharmacy always trying to take advantage of herbal plant life on the planet through patents and enforcing with making it an illegal substance through Law Inc soon will be broken up when the whole world is diversified into one with all countries and individual world citizens coming together.
One must view the world as a whole, focus on the development of all humanity and civilizations, ever-evolving world globalization and free markets according to consumer majority as the acceptance, individually always seeking a higher self and be mixing the most recent technologies into to their lives. People must seek an ever-evolving higher self, belief in the evolution which will come naturally with acceptance and adaptation to change. A united, universal view of the world but with freedom of thought and the utmost of individual liberties. Be always in touch with the world around them and the world events in the world as a whole and not just centralized. Serving the globalized society, saving humanity in extending lifespan, preventing deaths and quality of life with freedom, cutting red tape. Creating self-actualization to what they want to be, the whole world as one big picture, a diversified picture in an investment like a diversified portfolio of life itself.  
We as a global civilization must overcome polarities, tribalism, fascism, nationalism, and religious dogma in which stagnates humanity as a whole for a few profit and greed. This will be done with total connectivity for all and not just the ones who can afford it. Commitment to universal values as one world coming together to solve even the most controversial or worst plagues that blemish the world we live in. World values and moral will always be determined by a majority within geographical proximity and enforced by those laws. But laws, morals, and values must always be revisited constantly to change with the times and acceptance of the majority on local, state, national and global levels, with the ultimate, being global. 
People should be flexible with change, adaptation, and an ever-evolving world. Strong appreciation of always being connected to the world as a whole and not just one centered view of the world. 
A connection with nature and the individual liberty of understanding and using it to benefit the whole world and humanity as a whole. Become yourself with the whole world and globalization and not a centrally controlled self under religious dogma, old institutional thought, fascism, fanaticism, central control of governments through religious-based rules and life quality or monopolized political systems. Freedom is not free and always will have to be fought for on an individual and counter-culture which always is the new trend fighting against the old traditional establishments. One day at a time, the big picture, free thought and free spirit, it is your journey.

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Stone Roses - This Is the One

Trump Goes on Fox & Friends and Freaks Out About Michael Cohen: A Closer...

Joey Dee & The Starliters - Shout (FULL LENGTH STEREO VERSION)

Ain't That A Shame., My Tears Fell Like Rain

Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Bloo...

Very Easy Ways To Use Apple cider Vinegar for Kidney Stones!

Rinky Dink - Dave "Baby" Cortez - 1962

Election Inequality for Independent Voters, Two Party Monopoly, Statistics, Population 18-90

Most voters stayed home, did not vote, had not enough information about third party candidates, etc
Here are statistics of voters being Republican, Democratic or Independent. Most swing because the third party candidates do not have the same opportunities for exposure in the media and other ways of getting the campaign out. All should be allowed in the debates, but should be, if so things would change.

Republicans               93 million
Democratic               104 million
Independent              106 million

White Voters Republican         86 million
White Voters Democrat           47 million
White Voters Independent       29 million

Black Voters Republican           1 million
Black Voters Democrat            32 million
Black Voters Independent          9 million

Hispanic/Asian/Mixed RaceVoters Republicans         6 million
Hispanic/Asian/Mixed Race Voters Democrats         25 million
Hispanic/Asian /Mixed Race Voters Independent      18 million

2020 is ripe for Independent candidates, with funding, support, and everyone voting, it is possible. In 2016 almost 50% of the population did not vote. Any American voter should be able to vote, even felons.                 

A White Sport Coat and a Pink Carnation, I'm All Dressed Up for the Dance

Thousand Miles From Nowhere, Life Don't Matter to Me, But There Is No Place I'd Rather Be

Moon River...Henry Mancini...

Thursday, April 26, 2018

In Your Loveless Mansion on the Hill

What Comes After Religion

Horse With No Name

Top 3 Herbs To Stimulate Your Third Eye!

Top 10 Benefits of Cardamom Tea | Health Benefits - Smart Your Health

Country Folk Can Survive

Boy Named Sue

Clash of Civilization, Multiculturalism, Immigration in Balance, Not a Clash But Coming Together in Understanding

We have a clash not only of civilizations and religions, we have a clash of ideologies in the world. Like we had a clash between communism and capitalism. Now we have a clash because Islam is also an ideology. I believe that Islam is not going to win this battle. Structured to be ran by men, Sharia Law and mixing religion and being over bearing in peoples progress of free thought and free will according to ones gifts and talents which opens up civilizations to a more progressive mode.

Multiculturalism and immigration need to be balanced by numbers coming in as to what a nation's economy can absorb. Also in saying this, there needs to be a balance of ethnic or country intake according to the percentage of their population to the world. Problems with what we experience now is we have a too large of a majority coming in from Central America and Mexicans. The other influx is, Muslim based on refugee status should be worked out in the United Nations according what each nation can pledge to take in and absorb.

Multiculturalism in good and so is immigration. It boost economies, adds diversity to a nation, brings in new human capital that cannot be reprojected in a timely matter through birth. Especially for the elderly, disabled and labor cost which keeps interest rates and inflation down.

In the American Constitution, it specifically lays out that any religion should be part of a government but only by Democracy and according to a majority. No Sharia law, no Christian integrating as such is in the White House now counseling this president.

Why must there be a clash of civilizations and less have more of a inter mixing of multicultural diversity in the world and other countries. Why must a world become isolated from the rest.

What is an ideology, a seduced thought pattern that does not work and has outlived its day, for the future is a mix of multicultural algorithms once all is connected in time will make up a world of less wars and conflicts and more of a diversified cultured world. One with open borders, open society, free trade dictated by supply and demand of worldwide consumers in a globalized world. Religion is rooted in ethnic historical content, never changing with the times to progress worldwide civilizations forward or better said as becoming one world of understanding with all being connected in many ways.

Islam will be diversified and come down to a moderate level to where it will no longer be a cultural thing, but more of a personnel belief where one will develop away from it to become diversified in aspect to see that there are more ideas and belief to add to ones moral, outlook on life and the individual path and journey one must take according to ones algorithm. A diversified personnalties portfolio. Basic rule of law in investing and investing in one self and others.

All problems in the world can be worked out through one global body or a regional coalition through diplomatic routes instead of the destruction and disruption of peoples lives and the destruction of civilization infrastructure.

Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers On President Donald Trump's Econ...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Ahab the Arab - Ray Stevens

Leaving Here a Better Man

96 Tears 2

Your My Soul and My Hearts Inspiration

Now and Then There's Fool Such As I

Teddy Bear

Housing Started Going Down Hill When Reagan Was Elected, Public Housing for the Poor and Why Homelessness Is

Since Reagan began slashing federal housing assistance for the poor, it has been difficult for housing advocates to convince Congress to maintain, much less increase, HUD’s budget for subsidized housing. But it turns out that the Internal Revenue Service, not HUD, is the nation’s largest housing assistance agency. In 2017, the federal government provided about $130 billion in tax breaks for homeowners—almost twice the size of HUD’s total budget. That includes about $64 billion in tax deductions for mortgage interest, $33 billion for local property taxes, and $32 billion on the capital gains when these homeowners sell their houses.

This is when the homelessness started, he also shut down the mental care facilities to help those with mental disorders. Tax breaks on the backs of the poor. So now we house them in private for-profit prisons like animals. Oh! hold on, we in the US treat our animals better, accept the ones we eat. 

If There Were No Two-Party System and America Had to Form a Coalition Government This Would Be the Results

If the election in 2016 was held and there were no primaries, no two-party system, and like in Europe and other countries, parties had to form a coalition party, this would be the result
Clinton 17.0 million (Populist)
Trump 14.0 million (Democrat)
Sanders 13.3 million (Socialist)
Cruz 7.9 million (Conservative)
Johnson 4.6 million (Libertarian)
Kasich 4.4 million (Republican)
Rubio 3.6 million (Conservative)
Stein 1.5 million (Green)
Keep in mind that 46.9% of voters did not vote. The two party monopoly does not work!

Adirondacks, New York - Destination Video - Travel Guide

Geopolitics, World War 3 in the Making

World geopolitical disruptions that are in the world.The U.S. has committed to Syria involvement indefinitely, backed by Kurdish troops so that an illegal massacre of Syrians could take place, bombing Russian troops in Syria, increased aggression toward Russia’s ally Iran under and stood by as Israel escalates attacks on Syria while planning a broader war with Iran which would be regional. All this is proxy too. Oil, gas pipelines, geopolitical sea lane choke points, are the main issues. Diplomacy and not military threats are a better, CIA and special force intervention is cheaper and more cost-efficient methods instead of being bogged down with troops are better. I have always believed that a free world market determined by consumers, economic diplomacy, multinational corporations and the free hand of the market is the best way to handle geopolitical positioning. China does this, they just promise not to interfere with the political system within countries and they get access to any country, can invest in any country, and station military assets if they want. 

“Now hatred for Russia is at the forefront of consciousness in mainstream America, and now infected the UK as well and is quickly metastasizing throughout Australia and Europe. Russia is justified in responding in ways of being surrounded by NATO, US and allied forces control of maritime sea lanes and being boxed in from having ports to the open seas. Plus being noticed as a once superpower that was once spreading its influence around the world. When the wall collapsed and the Cold War ended, America at first embraced Russia under the Clinton Administration and maybe could have been part of a greater coalition partner, but starting in 2001 and funny to think about it, after 911, we have neglected Russia diplomatically and have tried to stagnate their economic geopolitical status around the world, after the neocons took power. Empire.

China is jocking for more influence to the South China Sea maritime sea lanes as part of their one belt and one road initiative. They are building up their navy in trying to keep up with the US naval forces in many areas. In the Indian Ocean, a Chinese naval base is in Sri Lanka. In the Gulf of Aden near Yemen and Djibouti, it has stationed a naval base in Djibouti where the US has a drone airbase of operations in that area. China has this capability of competing with the US in naval power and open ports to sea lanes. It has economic influence with countries better than the US because the political affairs of those counties are not interfered with when China becomes partners with them in bidding for their natural resources and establishing trade with them. China has a large population to work with and will not have a depopulation problem until 2060 and they always have the option of immigration to stimulate their workforces. This where it is better to work with China and not force the issues as the Trump Administration is doing with trade war rhetoric. But war drums are being beaten and would be bad in an already unstable world.

Amid a new annual military budget of $700 billion, the U.S. national debt is now at $21 trillion, showing the fragility and incompetence that empires fall into during their late stages. America, MIT economist Peter Temin last year, is regressing into a third world country for most of the population. Neoliberal capitalism, rampant governmental corruption, an erosion of civil liberties and democratic institutions, and a permanent state of war have battered and confused the population.

Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.Johnstone’s prescription is to expose the deep state’s lies so that Americans will reject the calls to war when the provocation comes. But the empire is determined to do as much damage as possible, and I think we need to fight this war effort more directly. We need to build a nationwide resistance to militarism, involving antiwar strikes, protests, mass boycotts of the war tax, and disobedience from armed service members. We need to create a Vietnam-level antiwar movement, and fast. Millions of Americans are willing to take these actions. All we need to do is tell them how urgently they need to mobilize.

How The Petrodollar Trade Works For The U.S. Explained

Nixon, Social Housing, Increase in Homelessness, Humans Are More Important

The Nixon administration ended construction of new public housing. Since then, the federal government has relied on two other approaches to house the poor—private-sector projects and housing vouchers, often used in tandem in order to get close to the deep affordability provided by the traditional public housing.

This was a Republican, as in which Trump is coming into play. His dad made money off of public housing and benefited from it as a child. Most social safety net systems have been brought forward by Democrats. Greed has always been a mainstay for the Republicans, but when it comes to war, the money is always there. Sad!

This is why there is a big problem with homelessness in America. Humans caring more for animals than human beings. There should be a Human Society instead of a Humane Society. Why is it called a Humane Society anyway, it is an animal society.

Dallas police officer dies after latest shooting

Dallas police officer dies after latest shooting: DALLAS (April 25, 2018) — A police officer who was shot when a suspected shoplifter opened fire at a Home Depot in north Dallas died Wednesday, but another officer and a store employee who were also hit appear to be on the mend, city officials said.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Bitterness, Resentment, Discomfort, Opportunity, Anger, Disappointment, Guilt, Shame, Anxiety, Sadness and Living for Yourself

Bitterness shows you where you need to heal,
Resentment is living in the past,
Discomfort means you are stuck in a world you need to leave behind and stay away from to those intoxicating you, where and how you need to change,
Opportunity is what you are given to escape and better yourself,
Anger shows you what you are passionate about and what you need to change
Disappointment shows you where you failed, failure is a lesson, try something new,
Guilt shows you are still living life on expectations of someone else and not your own endeavors,
Shame shows you-you are internalizing other groups or peoples beliefs when you should be internalizing your own,
Anxiety shows you need to wake up and stop living the past and live in the present for the future,
Sadness shows the depth of your feelings and that you care
Live your own journey, believe in what you want, think free and fight to be free

Mama's Hungry Eyes

The Four Horsemen (A must see Documentary) Plundering Resources, Banking, Poverty and The War on Terror

China News.Net - US rushes to catch up with China Russia over missiles

China News.Net - US rushes to catch up with China Russia over missiles

Gin Blossoms "Allison Road" Acoustic (High Quality)

Trump Allies Worry Cohen Will Flip as Scandals Mount: A Closer Look

Waffle House shooting suspect arrested, dad could face charges

Roy Orbison and Friends - "Dream Baby" - from "Black and White Night"

What I Like About You

Monday, April 23, 2018

Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

Joe Henderson Snap Your Fingers - Wide stereo 1962

That's the Way Love Goes

Eurythmics - Right By Your Side (Remastered)

Let It Be Me

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower (Official Audio)

Dion And The Belmonts - Lovers Who Wander

Raiey Day Woman

Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me

Chris Montez - Let's Dance (1962)

Louie Louie

The Cowsills We can fly 1971

Johnny Crawford - Cindy's Birthday (Stereo)

He Stopped Loving Her Today

Dierks Bentley - How Am I Doin

Herman's Hermits East West

Folsom Prison Blues

Steve Young - Seven Bridges Road (1969 version)

Ballad of John and Yoko

Trump Considers Placing Secret Service Patrols at Polling Stations

Discovering New Planet with Satilitte TESS

At least 9 dead after van strikes pedestrians in Toronto

Richard Wolff on Red White and Rusty: Trumps Disruption of the World's Supply Chains and How Neoliberal Trade Wars Created ...

Withdraw From Old Ways, Getting Bogged Down, Tradition, Old as Reference, Be Independent and Positive, Reject Those Who Keep You From Your Freedoms

How do you withdraw for the old ways to adapt to modern times, by endorsing the technologies, not as bad but an improvement to new thought and combining the old for reference. Experiment with life, for if you do not, you will never know, unless you have a distaste for it personally. In New Age thought, you diversify your spirituality You can also do this in Universalism. 

Do not get bogged down, programmed, brainwashed, isolated or hate counter-culture beliefs. You will never know unless you research, study, and if you want to, experiment, which in turn means experience, which in most cases, is the best teacher. 

Tradition is a brainwashed mentality, that leaves you stuck in the past, and hating anything new, that could improve your life and lets the world open up more and more in free thought and free spirit. 

Most old beliefs keep you feeding the old way, and in many circumstances, a person or group, that profits, manipulate you as a disciple, a commodity, that feeds the coffers and control freaks or groups, that use you as pawn to navigate a journey that was only meant for you.You are the one that keeps them alive by accepting these old beliefs, and in most case, they will isolate you from any trend and why would you want to play catchup?

Keep your independent free thoughts and spirits high and positive. Love and don't hate, because they are not the same as you. For you are one with the world, a tiny part, but a contributing part. Every act, things you buy, what you communicate on social site, face to face in conversation and elect is the difference you play in the world. You take part in world democracy every day. One democratic world, based on open borders, open society, all connected to the world, that feeds the ever-changing and the ever learning. Release you isolated mind from your comfort zone, your shelled world, those who hold you back from free individual growth to what you want to be and in turn become something you like, for what you like, gives you your full potential. 

Reject those who present their ideas as a vacuum, recruiter or a car salesperson. Smiling in your face, hiding their ideas for their own gains in manipulating you and controlling you for what they can gain and not you. Be yourself, free your mind, do not be blind, question authority.

Doing Religion or Doing God/Jesus, Rebuttal: Good Points, Current White House Administration, Universal Faiths

Gary Finneyfrock, Not one word about "religion: was ever mentioned here until you did mention it!! You see, this is where you and many others differ!
Many of us do not “DO RELIGION” as you call it!
Many of us have a very personal relationship with Jesus/God, we worship Him because He suffered and died for all of us. What “religious” god died and suffered for us like Jesus did? Answer NONE!!
You are right about one thing, Religion starts wars, namely like the false religion of Islam.
That has never been a relationship with God/Jesus, no they have a religion with Mohammed, just a man who was an evil man!
They call it a religion, but in truth it is a set of laws and a political platform is all. Now they have relationships by raping women and children, by treating their women like dirt!
They do goats, they behead anyone whom disagrees with them! Heck, even in their “Koran” it tells them it is okay to lie to further their cause!!
If you want to talk about the crusades, they were started by a man they call pope, because and as many do not know, they are an evil bunch and is the “false Christianity” owned and operated by Satan, along with Islam…
So, before you go accusing, do a little research and not by anyone’s opinions…
Oh the others like Buddha, a fat little statue who cannot talk or hear, like Jesus can!
Rebuttal: I read it, some good points and agreed. I guess I want mainly to focus on the greed, such as televangelist life styles, religions like Islam, conservative neocons that support Israel. All religion should not be mixed with government. We have an evangelical counsel in the White House that has a armageddon death wish. Your beliefs are respected like any, but which one is right. I think the Universal Unitarians, the Bahai Faith, Buddhist, Scientologist have the right idea on how to approach religion, especially New Age Thought. No explanation points seems aggressive. Christian Warrior sounds militaristic

Explore Alto Adige, Italy’s High Altitude Wine Region

Mary Wells - You Beat Me to the Punch

I Can't Change and Live the Way You Want Me To

3 Degrees Warmer: Heat Wave Fatalities | National Geographic, 3 degrees warmer in the year 2052

Battle of Spirits, Principalities, Power, Rebuttal: 4200+ Religions, Competitions and Gathering the Masses

The Word says we battle not against flesh and blood (which is what they tried to do in the crusades) but we battle spirits, principalities, and powers.  This post, therefore, refers to a spiritual battle and yes many forget we are to put on the full armor of God daily and do battle.

Rebuttal: 4200+ religious groups exist in the world today. What spirits to battle, the ones according to the majority, or is this competition for the soul of the world masses and $ influence? To what religion will rule the world. How many will die or will religion be forced upon. People are free to believe any religion, which one is up to them, this is called being a free spirit. How is power derived, the way it is obtained is the moral question and again morals are according to a civilizations majority, not to include those kept out of the system, the imprisoned, the felons, the restricted of opinions? Religions either obtain these goals through justifiable killing, brainwashing, restrictive mental programming or through love, Love would be the best. So the two big competitive religions are Islam and Christianity all routed from the New Testament. So religion is a constant splintering and competing against one another. Freethought, free spirit, universal beliefs.

World Statistics by the End of 2018, Population, Births, Deaths, Public, Healthcare, Education, Military, Internet, Oil, Gas, Coal, Solar

World population will be 7.7 billion people
141 million babies will be born
24 million people will die
We will gain another 116 million people on the earth
The US public spending on healthcare will be $3.1 trillion
US public spending on education will be $2.1 trillion
US public spending on the military will be $1.0 trillion
There will be 5.1 billion people using the internet
Use of oil will be used up by 2062
Natural gas shortages by 2033
Use of coal will still continue until 2177
If we could capture most of this through solar panels we would not have to burn no fossil fuels


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Because Your Mine, I Walk the Line

Top 4 Coal Consuming Countries

China         2800m tons
USA             651m tons
India             463m tons
Japan            184m tons

Oil Consumption by Country

1. USA              19.4 m bpd
2. China            12.0 m bpd
3. India               4.2 m bpd
4. Japan              4.2 m bpd
5. Saudi Arabia  3.9 m bpd
6. Brazil             3.2 m bpd
7. Russia            3.1 m bpd
8. South Korea   2.6 m bpd
9. Germany        2.4 m bpd
10. Canada         2.4 m bpd

2018-2030 Where the Labor Pools Will Be, Young Human Capital

1. India             432m
2. China            184m
3. EU                113m (Due to future migration)
4. Pakistan          91m
5. Indonesia        74m
6. Bangladesh     62m
7. Philippines      53m
8. Mexico            46m
9. USA                 39m
10. Iran                28m

Looking a Foreign Girl


57 y.o. man seeking woman 18-57

From Waldorf, Maryland, United States
Last update: April 22, 2018
Member since: April 22, 2018
Username: frockman232
Member ID: 
  •  6'0" / 183 cm
  •  201 lbs / 91 kg
  •  A few extra pounds
  •  Dark brown, Long length
  •  Brown
  •  White / Caucasian
  •  Libra libra

In My Own Words

  1. Gary Finneyfrock, Single retired from the army and social security. Now living in Waldorf, Maryland. I am 57 and Married 2x, Global Progressive Democrat, New Age Thought. Want to spend more time enhancing the retirement I have now further into the future. Like to travel, internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, enjoy my retirement, experience meeting people from different cultures, free thinker, free-spirited. music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world, nutrition supplementation, and herbs, geopolitics. My music likes are rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat.
  2. Liberal, open-minded, universal in thought, good with money, likes to travel, live overseas, laughs and smiles a lot, not right, nagger or control freaky, no religious fanatics, likes to eat out, multicultural, free thinker and free-spirited karaoke, music, likes herbs, likes all kinds of music,

About Myself

  1. English (native), Korean (basic)
  2. Some College
  3. Retired
  4. Agnostic
  5. Single
  6. Live with me
  7. Not sure
  8. Non-Smoker
  9. On occasion

Personality and Interests

  1. Adventurous/Wild/Spontaneous, Calm, Earthy, Easygoing/Flexible/Open-Minded, Flirtatious/Playful, Friendly/Kind, Gentle, Humorous/Witty, Intellectual/Smart, Low Maintenance, Outgoing, Practical, Self Confident, Sensitive/Nurturing/Loving, Talkative, Unconventional/Free-Spirited
  2. Bowling, Volleyball, Weightlifting
  3. Coffee and conversation, Cooking, Dining out, Fishing/Hunting, Gardening/Landscaping, Meetings/Friends, Music and concerts, Political interests, Travel/Sightseeing
  4. Barbecue, Cajun/Southern, California-Fusion, Caribbean/Cuban, Chinese/Dim Sum, Deli, Fast Food/Pizza, Greek, Italian, Japanese/Sushi, Jewish/Kosher, Korean, Mediterranean, Mexican, Soul Food, Spanish, Thai
  5. Blues, Country, Disco, Hard Rock & Metal, New Age, Oldies, Pop, Rock, Soul/R&B, World Music/Ethnic
  6. Magazines, Newspapers, Non-Fiction, Trade Journals