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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard Presidential Candidate for 2020

Tulsi Gabbard, Presidential Candidate for 2020
The first Hindu member of Congress, the Hawaii representative controversially met with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad and sided with Russian president Vladimir Putin against Obama on US intervention in Syria. Strongly opposed to regime-change wars after her experience fighting in the Iraq war as part of the National Guard, she speaks about fighting “radical Islam.” A onetime Hawaii state representative, she supported Bernie Sanders’ 2016 Democratic primary campaign. On Feb. 2 she entered the race she calls a “fight for the soul” of America.
Age: 37  Years in politics: 17
Who gives her money: Health professionals, real-estate interest groups. Most donors are individuals, though her second-largest contribution ($36,400) between 2011 and 2018 came from the National Automobile Dealers Association’s PAC.
The biggest idea for the economy: Cut taxes on small businesses and farmers, raise them on corporations; lower military spending by ending regime-change wars and reducing the acquisition of nuclear weapons.
Social media following: Twitter: 279,000, Facebook: 300,600, Instagram: 74,300
Who will like this candidate: Veterans, some progressives, voters looking to reduce military spending.
Who will hate this candidate: People who are concerned about Islamophobia, supporters of global trade.

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