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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cory Booker Presidential Candidate for 2020

The former Newark, New Jersey mayor launched his campaign with an appeal to America’s common purpose and a focus on social and racial equality on Feb. 1, 2019. A Rhodes Scholar and Yale Law graduate who gained celebrity-politician status thanks to his early use of social media. The US senator from New Jersey has been criticized for being close to wealthy elites and for media-friendly stunts.
Age: 49  Years in politics: 17
Who gives him money: Mostly large individual contributors from the legal, investment and security, and real-estate sectors. A deep-pocketed Democratic donor set up a super PAC for Booker before he entered the race.
The biggest idea for the economy: A “baby bond” program that would give every child a US Treasury bond at birth, with a larger amount for poorer kids. He would also propose guaranteeing a $15 minimum-wage job in 15 test areas.
Social media following: Twitter: 4.18 million, Facebook: 1.27 million, Instagram: 635,000
Who will like this candidate: Voters looking for an optimistic message to contrast Trump’s negativity, northeastern city dwellers.
Who will hate this candidate: White rural voters who don’t want to focus on race and inequality, liberals concerned about his Wall Street and Silicon Valley enthusiasts.

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