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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

John Delaney, Candidate for President

The former congressman from Maryland started two publicly listed lending companies before running for office in 2012. The first generation in his family to go to college (he stresses his electrician father’s union membership on the campaign trail), he was the very first Democrat to announce he was running back in July 2017. He’s already visited every county in Iowa, the first state in the primary contest, attempting to jumpstart his national campaign from there.
Age: 55  Years in politics: 6
Who gives him money: Funded by banks, housing, and construction companies in his congressional race. Independently wealthy, funding himself now.
The biggest idea for the economy: Build a public and private international coalition against China’s intellectual property theft, and compete against China in Asia with a TPP-style trade deal.
Social media following: Twitter: 14,400, Facebook: 357,000, Instagram: 2,100.
Who will like this candidate: Centrists drawn by his nuts-and-bolts pitch to improve workers’ rights, education, and infrastructure.
Who will hate this candidate: Democrats who don’t think that reaching out to Donald Trump voters is the way to win in 2020.

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