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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

War in Yemen, The Military Complex, Oil Shipping Choke Point, Humanitarian Crisis.

Since March 2015, the U.S. has supported an Arab military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a civil war in Yemen. The main reason is it is shipping lane choking point for oil shipments in the Gulf of Aden between the Red Sea and the Arabian sea. The war, that pits an armed Yemeni rebel group called the Houthis against the Yemeni government, has resulted in massive civilian casualties, destruction in developed infrastructures and the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with no assistance in sight because of the ongoing war and money making of the oil money making OPEC and the GCC, not to include the money being made by the military complex. It has killed more than 10,000 Yemenis and wounded more than 40,000, the majority of whom were civilians. 

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