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Friday, February 22, 2019

Bernie Sanders Vision vs Donald Trumps Vision, Trend of Authoritarianism, Political Monopolies, Modern Dark Age, Left and Right Isolationism, Oligarchical Economies and What the Real Goals of the World Should Be

For Bernie Sanders, the ideological struggle of the 21st century doesn’t pit a liberal, democratic America against illiberalism, authoritarian opponents, but instead pits liberal, democratic people everywhere against illiberalism at home and abroad. The worldwide movement toward authoritarianism, oligarchy, and kleptocracy” against one toward “strengthening democracy, egalitarianism, and economic, social, racial and environmental justice.” In this conception of the world, President Trump is just one of many “demagogues who exploit people’s fears, prejudices and grievances to the gullible, programmable, desperate, isolationist, protectionist and religious conning of prosperity fantasies that drive people into debt to  gain and hold on to power.”

 The move towards an authoritarian consolidation of power from a group is called a monopoly on many political systems, through world history has created dictators, religious dogma ruling the masses, Dark Ages mentality", fascisms, national socialisms, militaristic and police states. Which the opposite is, free market, free trade, abundant civil liberties, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and collectively solving world problems and issues through international coalitions.

Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, are two ends of the spectrum when it comes to the international stages of isolationism and keeping out of international affairs, but both will come and in Trump's case will go the way of the Neo-Cons and Neoliberals in international affairs, that have been intertwining since 1915, when American globalism started, where from 1865-1915, tariffs were a big part of international trade. 

Oligarchies were part of that time (1865-1915), until Teddy Roosevelt came along and busted that up, which at one time, America had oligarchies. Carnegie, Fords, and etc. An attempt by Trump's nationalism is trying to achieve today to keep the poor down, one being income inequality and stock buybacks through the most recent tax cuts. Returning us back to the Henry Clay error. The world economy must stay competitive, with any markets being limited to the power to control one sector. 

The goals of a free world economy should be to strengthen democracies through a multiple political party system where all power is shared according to the electoral results, with no party having complete power or a chance to monopolize it.

Equilibrium, to where wages, benefits, profit sharing are equal to and not unequal to all classes. The income gap disparity in America and worldwide is mirrored to that and needs to change.

Racial, social status, should be judged or changed to meet a person's skill set, abilities, and historical experience rather than being qualified of appearance or ethnic background or religious/spiritual cultural lifestyles.

I will not touch on environmental actions that should and be taken, for the world has ways of recycling itself through its own immune system, sometimes though, that can be devastating in the way it reacts to them. I will say this, that world energy markets should be controlled by the world consumer in the aspect of having choices to the energy source, natural resources, food production or whatever to enhance their lives, without governments forcing forced consumerism through regulations and agreements in which all parts of the world are different.

The old world of dark age dogma, dictators, monarchs, monopolized political systems should play no part in the modern world where multicultural, free market, free consumer choice, freedom of spirit, freedom of media and the press, freedom of thought should prevail. 


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