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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Morals, A Free World Market, Money Flow, According to a Majority, Islam, Communism, Extremism, Freedom of the Consumer

Morals, standards, according to the majority is what sells in a free world market, controlled by the supply and demand of that world market. Controlled by a free market of free consumers, with access to all products around the world. In turn, money flows in those directions influencing politics, elections, and governments which are not monopolizing, such as communism, Nazism, Fascism, Islamic control of a government, or in any case, religion as a part of a government, extremist government or fanatical government. Free speech, free Internet and social platform, free expression, access to this, and multicultural exchange. This changes the evolutions of the world in constant change, wherein which there would be or would not be a dominant political system, religious system controlling the masses from freedom.

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