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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Socialism Confused

We already live in a social world, which some confuse with communism, we are socialist to a point, that's what's hilarious about people's conceptions of socialism. We have public libraries, public schools, public roadways, community centers, we're just looking to expand on that for health care (if in the USA), education, vocational training, OJT, corporate investment in the public education system that fit the geographical area's labor pools. It's a win=win everyone. There are myriad blatant examples of European nations, Asia, African Nations showing success with social programs for decades. I'm amazed daily at all the poor people struggling in the USA to pay rent, get to work, raise kids that support a way of life that's creating their own struggle.........Pretty delusional. We need to expand Social Security to unlimited, make it mandatory that corporations and companies offer 401k's, profit sharing. The income disparity in our nations sucks with greed at the top.

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