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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Vitamin D3 and Cancer

Vitamin D-3

Vitamin D-3, which is the most bioavailable form of Vitamin D, is one of the most powerful anti-cancer vitamins in nature. Research on Vitamin D and cancer shows that it positively influences over 200 genes in the body, reduces inflammation, inhibits the cancer cell’s growth and replication cycle, inhibits new tumor blood vessel growth, and induces cancer cell self-destruction. It also promotes the growth of healthy cells.
Nearly all of us could benefit from taking a Vitamin D-3 supplement. We usually give our patients anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 IUs daily, depending on their test results. It’s usually safe to take a low dose of Vitamin D without getting tested, but regarding Vitamin D and cancer, it’s ideal to have your doctor test you to find out what your current vitamin D levels are so that you know exactly how much you need. You want your results to be in the top half of the testing results range, or at about 50-70 ng/ml. If they are less than that, then this means that you need supplemental Vitamin D-3 as one of your cancer-fighting supplements. Vitamin D is a very powerful nutrient that acts more like a hormone rather than a vitamin in the body. It is very hard to overdose on Vitamin D, as most people are very deficient in this nutrient, but there may be a few rare situations for which its use is contraindicated. When in doubt about Vitamin D and cancer, check with your doctor before taking it. See the Resources section for Vitamin D product recommendations.

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