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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A Night at the Garden, This is a Rally, Does It Look Familiar?

Special Report With Bret Baier 2/27/19 FULL SCREEN | Fox News Live Strea...

"A Night At The Garden" Director On American Naziism

What Happened To The Vikings?

Billionaire Tom Steyer: Mueller report only needed as 'supporting eviden...

Trump Might Be a Globalist

  • Trump's International Holdings

    • Elite Tower, Ramat Gan, Israel was a planned commercial real estate development slated to be the tallest building in Israel. Called the Trump Plaza Tower, Trump shelved the plans in 2007, when the site was sold on to Azorim for NIS 306.5 million.[122][123] Trump purchased the site for $44 million.[124]
    • Trump International Hotel & Tower Lido Lake, West Java, Indonesia. Trump Hotels will be involved with the 700-hectare Lido Lake development, 1 hour from Bandung, Indonesia including a six-star luxury resort, 18-hole signature Ernie Els championship golf course, elite Lifestyle Country Club & Spa as well as a high-end residential offering including luxury villas and condominiums.[125][126] One of the Trump Organization's partners in Indonesia is Tanoesoedibjo, who is "building up a following as he mulls a presidential run", according to Forbes.[70][71] MNC Lido City is partially funded by the Chinese government.[127][128]
    • Trump International Hotel & Tower VancouverVancouver. A prominent skyscraper in Downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The 63-story, 188-metre-high (617 ft), mixed-use tower is located at 1133 West Georgia Street, was completed in 2016. Trump Tower Vancouver is the second tallest building in the city, after the Shangri-La tower located across the street on West Georgia Street.[citation needed] The licensed tower in Vancouver is a project primarily of Donald Jr.'s with its builder, "Malaysian heir Joo Kim Tiah".[70]
    • Trump Towers IstanbulIstanbulTurkey[129]

Probiotics, Blood Sugar, and Diabetes

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

New Home Prices Down 12% YOY Nationally: Bay Area Home Prices Down $165K

Housing Prices Down 12%, The Housing Bubble,

Housing bubble 2.0 continues to deflate and bring along some big price declines in the San Fransisco bay area, California where median home prices for existing (pre-owned) homes have dropped $165K below the 2018 home price peak. We also see new home prices nationally down 12% year-over-year, indicating that the slowdown trend is continuing. We also look at existing home prices in many states showing several states are barely hanging on to year over year price gains. In addition, home values see the largest single-month decline since 2012. Also, sales continue to drop while inventory continues to rise, across most of the U.S, which points to likely continued price stagnation.

What is the strategic importance of Indian Ocean Region? learn its Geogr...

Bernie Sanders CNN Town Hall: Medicare for All, Racism and Tax Returns

War in Yemen, The Military Complex, Oil Shipping Choke Point, Humanitarian Crisis.

Since March 2015, the U.S. has supported an Arab military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in a civil war in Yemen. The main reason is it is shipping lane choking point for oil shipments in the Gulf of Aden between the Red Sea and the Arabian sea. The war, that pits an armed Yemeni rebel group called the Houthis against the Yemeni government, has resulted in massive civilian casualties, destruction in developed infrastructures and the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with no assistance in sight because of the ongoing war and money making of the oil money making OPEC and the GCC, not to include the money being made by the military complex. It has killed more than 10,000 Yemenis and wounded more than 40,000, the majority of whom were civilians. 

Yemen and Its Humanitarian Crisis

Yemen is facing a massive humanitarian catastrophe. The United States aid is crucial to the Saudi war effort, the military complex makes a lot of money on this and it is about the oil again. Removing our assistance would limit Saudi attacks and maybe even push them to the negotiating table. Bringing all parties together, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, the Houtis, mediation would be done with Russia, China, and the United Nations.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash | Rutger Bregman

Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash | Rutger Bregman

Democratising insights - how Reckitt Benckiser empowers all its staff | ...

Today News - China praises Venezuelas response to crisis, backs Russia a...

Socialism Confused

We already live in a social world, which some confuse with communism, we are socialist to a point, that's what's hilarious about people's conceptions of socialism. We have public libraries, public schools, public roadways, community centers, we're just looking to expand on that for health care (if in the USA), education, vocational training, OJT, corporate investment in the public education system that fit the geographical area's labor pools. It's a win=win everyone. There are myriad blatant examples of European nations, Asia, African Nations showing success with social programs for decades. I'm amazed daily at all the poor people struggling in the USA to pay rent, get to work, raise kids that support a way of life that's creating their own struggle.........Pretty delusional. We need to expand Social Security to unlimited, make it mandatory that corporations and companies offer 401k's, profit sharing. The income disparity in our nations sucks with greed at the top.

How Kirsten Gillibrand Is Fighting the Student Debt Crisis | NowThis

Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide | Yuval Noah Harari

Vitamin D3 and Cancer

Vitamin D-3

Vitamin D-3, which is the most bioavailable form of Vitamin D, is one of the most powerful anti-cancer vitamins in nature. Research on Vitamin D and cancer shows that it positively influences over 200 genes in the body, reduces inflammation, inhibits the cancer cell’s growth and replication cycle, inhibits new tumor blood vessel growth, and induces cancer cell self-destruction. It also promotes the growth of healthy cells.
Nearly all of us could benefit from taking a Vitamin D-3 supplement. We usually give our patients anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 IUs daily, depending on their test results. It’s usually safe to take a low dose of Vitamin D without getting tested, but regarding Vitamin D and cancer, it’s ideal to have your doctor test you to find out what your current vitamin D levels are so that you know exactly how much you need. You want your results to be in the top half of the testing results range, or at about 50-70 ng/ml. If they are less than that, then this means that you need supplemental Vitamin D-3 as one of your cancer-fighting supplements. Vitamin D is a very powerful nutrient that acts more like a hormone rather than a vitamin in the body. It is very hard to overdose on Vitamin D, as most people are very deficient in this nutrient, but there may be a few rare situations for which its use is contraindicated. When in doubt about Vitamin D and cancer, check with your doctor before taking it. See the Resources section for Vitamin D product recommendations.

Vitamin C and Cancer

Oral Vitamin C is a fantastic supplement for cancer that I highly recommend to everyone, for both cancer prevention and treatment, because of its potent immune-enhancing properties. The late Linus Pauling, who was one of the most influential biochemists in history and a two-time Nobel Prize winner, was among the first scientists to prove that high doses of Vitamin C are lethal to cancer. In his book Cancer and Vitamin C, he shares detailed accounts of cancer patients who experienced significant increases in their life expectancies, including some complete remissions, as a result of high dose Vitamin C treatments.[i]
Today, most integrative doctors using vitamins and herbs for cancer believe that the US Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C is too low, at 500 mg daily. The USRDA guidelines are based on the minimum amount that’s needed to prevent scurvy and are not what the body needs to function optimally—never mind a body that is fighting cancer. Most people need anywhere from 1,000-12,000 mg of Vitamin C daily. When it comes to Vitamin C and cancer, the average amount that I recommend to my patients is about 8,000 mg. If you just want to prevent cancer, I recommend taking 4,000 mg daily.
One type of Vitamin C that you may want to try is liposomal Vitamin C, which is encased in phospholipids, or fats that come from sunflower lecithin. The phospholipids increase your body’s ability to absorb and utilize the vitamin. Liposomal Vitamin C is more expensive than other types of Vitamin C for cancer, but because it is more bioavailable, your body absorbs and utilizes more of it so you don’t need to take as much.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Globalization 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, Can't Be Stopped

Private Prisons Are Being Faded Out

The USA’s private jail system will come to an end, leaving a massive problem for the Department of Corrections. The search for inmates to be placed in new jails and penitentiaries will be a long process for the Departments of Justice and Corrections, and will prove to be the end of for profit prison systems. Former private prisons made cash out of crime, treating prisoners inhumanely and neglecting basic rights and freedoms of inmates.

'Fantasies of violence' motivated Coast Guard officer with weapons stock...

Mass Shootings Up to 1984-May 2018

May 18, 2018: At least 10 people were killed in an active shooter situation at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas.
Feb. 14, 2018: A former student who had been expelled for disciplinary problems is arrested after a shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead and 16 wounded.
Oct. 1, 2017: Gunman opens fire on a country music concert in Las Vegas, Nevada, killing at least 58 people and wounding more than 500 others, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
June 2016: Gunman kills 49 people at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
December 2015: Couple kills 14 people after storming California social services agency. They are killed in gun battle with police.
November 2015: Gunman kills three after storming a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic; he is arrested after an hours-long standoff with police.
October 2015: Gunman kills nine at an Oregon community college before killing himself after a gun battle with police.
July 2015: Gunman kills five at U.S. Navy Reserve center in Tennessee before being shot and killed by police.
June 2015: Gunman kills nine people in South Carolina church before fleeing, is captured the following day. The gunman, Dylann Roof, was sentenced to death.
May 2015: Nine killed in a shootout between rival motorcycle clubs and police at Texas restaurant.
October 2014: Teenage gunman kills four teens, two of whom are his cousins, in Washington state high school before committing suicide.
September 2013: Gunman kills 12 people at a naval facility in Washington before dying in a gun battle with police.
December 2012: Gunman kills 26 adults and children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut before killing himself.
August 2012: Gunman kills six people at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin before committing suicide after being shot by police.
July 2012: Gunman kills 12 people during a showing of a “Batman” movie in Colorado.
January 2011: Gunman kills six people and wounds U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona.
November 2009: U.S. Army psychiatrist kills 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas.
April 2007: Virginia Tech student kills 32 people before committing suicide.
October 2006: Gunman kills five girls in Pennsylvania Amish school before committing suicide.
January 2006: Ex-postal worker kills eight before committing suicide in California in the rare case of a female shooter.
April 1999: Two Columbine High School students killed 12 students, one teacher and themselves in Colorado.
November 1991: Gunman kills four University of Iowa faculty members and a student before committing suicide.
October 1991: Gunman crashes pickup into a Texas cafe, then begins shooting; kills 23 people before committing suicide.
August 1986: Gunman kills 14 postal workers in Oklahoma before committing suicide.
July 1984: Gunman kills 21 people at a McDonald’s in California before being killed by police.

Bernie Sanders Vision vs Donald Trumps Vision, Trend of Authoritarianism, Political Monopolies, Modern Dark Age, Left and Right Isolationism, Oligarchical Economies and What the Real Goals of the World Should Be

For Bernie Sanders, the ideological struggle of the 21st century doesn’t pit a liberal, democratic America against illiberalism, authoritarian opponents, but instead pits liberal, democratic people everywhere against illiberalism at home and abroad. The worldwide movement toward authoritarianism, oligarchy, and kleptocracy” against one toward “strengthening democracy, egalitarianism, and economic, social, racial and environmental justice.” In this conception of the world, President Trump is just one of many “demagogues who exploit people’s fears, prejudices and grievances to the gullible, programmable, desperate, isolationist, protectionist and religious conning of prosperity fantasies that drive people into debt to  gain and hold on to power.”

 The move towards an authoritarian consolidation of power from a group is called a monopoly on many political systems, through world history has created dictators, religious dogma ruling the masses, Dark Ages mentality", fascisms, national socialisms, militaristic and police states. Which the opposite is, free market, free trade, abundant civil liberties, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and collectively solving world problems and issues through international coalitions.

Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, are two ends of the spectrum when it comes to the international stages of isolationism and keeping out of international affairs, but both will come and in Trump's case will go the way of the Neo-Cons and Neoliberals in international affairs, that have been intertwining since 1915, when American globalism started, where from 1865-1915, tariffs were a big part of international trade. 

Oligarchies were part of that time (1865-1915), until Teddy Roosevelt came along and busted that up, which at one time, America had oligarchies. Carnegie, Fords, and etc. An attempt by Trump's nationalism is trying to achieve today to keep the poor down, one being income inequality and stock buybacks through the most recent tax cuts. Returning us back to the Henry Clay error. The world economy must stay competitive, with any markets being limited to the power to control one sector. 

The goals of a free world economy should be to strengthen democracies through a multiple political party system where all power is shared according to the electoral results, with no party having complete power or a chance to monopolize it.

Equilibrium, to where wages, benefits, profit sharing are equal to and not unequal to all classes. The income gap disparity in America and worldwide is mirrored to that and needs to change.

Racial, social status, should be judged or changed to meet a person's skill set, abilities, and historical experience rather than being qualified of appearance or ethnic background or religious/spiritual cultural lifestyles.

I will not touch on environmental actions that should and be taken, for the world has ways of recycling itself through its own immune system, sometimes though, that can be devastating in the way it reacts to them. I will say this, that world energy markets should be controlled by the world consumer in the aspect of having choices to the energy source, natural resources, food production or whatever to enhance their lives, without governments forcing forced consumerism through regulations and agreements in which all parts of the world are different.

The old world of dark age dogma, dictators, monarchs, monopolized political systems should play no part in the modern world where multicultural, free market, free consumer choice, freedom of spirit, freedom of media and the press, freedom of thought should prevail. 


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Johnny Preston "Running Bear"

Information Give Me Memphis Tennessee

Bee Gees Stayin Alive (Extended Remaster)

Types of Socialism, Types of Globalisms, Free Market Consumer Supply and Demand Collective Driven Globalism, Religious Globalism

World War 2 was fought for what type of Socialism, There is National Socialism and Global Socialism, There are many globalisms, Communist globalism, Democratic globalism, Libertarian globalism, Islamic Caliphate globalism, Anarchical globalism, Republic globalism, collective globalism, Christiandom globalism, Oligarchal globalism, and Catholic globalism Globalism is just an international form of any of these systems that want to implement a monopoly of political power, except for a democratized power, A free market consumer supply, and demand world economy is best, free from subsidizing, very little regulation, free trade, not tariffs. Free from wars and conflicts, unless a monopolizing power went against the masses choices, where collectively, the world would come together to unclog the free market movement of commerce. 

How Socialism Will Create The New World Order One World Government

Why Bernie Sanders Is Running for President in 2020 | NowThis

Social Security Benefits Are Changing In 2022, Get Ready | Wes Moss | 40...

The Future of Social Security

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I Can Tell You've Never Been This Far Before

The Tony Rich Project - Nobody Knows (Video Version)

I Started a Joke That Started the Whole World Crying

Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (Live 1988)

Introduction to Humanism by Doug Thomas

Introduction to Humanism by Doug Thomas

Liberalism and the Church

Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump 2020 Map Prediction - 2020 Electoral Map...

Cronyism, Free World Markets, Personal Liberties Worldwide and Commerce Exchange

Cronyism exists within industries themselves, these are yes people and people that kiss ass at the top in whatever matter that may be, as corporations form alliances, or even merge together in the hopes of decimating the competition, which should be regulated to prevent monopolies that keep prices low for the worldwide consumer. This isn't the cronyism most people concern themselves with, even though a market without it would mean lower prices for them as consumers.  The bigger concern for most people is cronyism between private corporations and public servants. which is called lobbying. This is one of the big inherent problems with any government, but that is what a politician is, follow the money, and you will find the puppet of corporate influence,  whether it seeks to foster, nationalism, religion in governments, protectionism, isolationism, fascism, capitalism, socialism, or communism.  When government intervenes in the free market of capitalism, there's a potential for competition to be reduced, but where money flows, so is the power in it. This takes control away from what Adam Smith described as the invisible hand of the market. A world free market that is driven by worldwide consumers, with very little regulation, void of wars, conflicts, religious suppression of human liberties, nationalism, Nazism, communism, Islamic governments, isolationism, prohibition would be ideal   

Capitalism Means a Free Market, Even the Black Market, Legalize It and It Cost Less

Capitalism means a free market, and a free market means absolutely no government intervention,  but sharing in the profits with workers through profit sharing and incentives,  regulation is needed for work safety, abuse of the corporations to public safety. In a partially authoritarian world, we live in today, free markets are impossible.  Even black markets, in which is fueled by prohibitionist, and old institutions, lobbies that influence the government, as the risk of fines or incarceration, for private prison industries, Law Inc, and unionized police that are now militarized, makes black market participants raise their prices, in a way, both need each other and scratch each others backs to make the huge risks worth their while. Take the wall, that is needed to manipulate the illegal drug prices and the war on drugs, all big money makers. On the other side is the influence of open borders which make things and the black market cheaper. To disrupt it, and make it better would be to legalize most but not all black market activities, taking the gang, cartel, and crime out of the equation.

9 Core Quaker Beliefs FYI

The Curse of Economic Nationalism | Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Was HUGO CHAVEZ Murdered by the U.S./CIA? - Rawyal News

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Think I'll Just Sit Here and Drink

J. Geils Band - Centerfold

Was HUGO CHAVEZ Murdered by the U.S./CIA? - Rawyal News

Muslim Woman, Beaten, Raped for Switching to Christianity

Fake Attack on Empire Star

Trump's Grandfather and Father Past, Genetics Trail

he followers of all religions, that teach the existence of God, and life in a hereafter, believe in the love and worship of God, and charity towards all men of good will.  Sincere believers will suffer any hardship, and make any sacrifice, in order to ensure their eternal salvation.  The followers of Atheism are taught to HATE all who refuse to accept their materialistic creed.  The determination of the leaders of both Atheist groups, to achieve world domination, permits them to conceive the most diabolical conspiracies, and perpetrate all kinds of crime, from individual assassinations to genocide.  They foment wars in order to weaken nations they still have to subjugate.

Monday, February 18, 2019

The Vatican Hopes Meeting on Child Abuse Will Help

Deaths From Soviet Communism, Nazis, Islamic Religious Controlled Governments, Chinese Communism Controlled Government, Christian Crusades "Dark Ages" and Oppression of the Masses

Russian Communism, Monopolized, Military Police State Controlled: 62million

Nationalistic Socialist Workers Party (NAZI), Police State, Military Controlled: 21 million

Chinese National Communism, Monopolized Political System, Police and Military Controlled: 49 million

Islamically Controlled Governments, Police State, Monopolized Political System, Man Controlled:
300 million

Oh yeah! Christian Crusade "Dark Ages", Religions Control Over Government 300 million

Japanese Imperialist Nationalist Japan 82 million

Key points:

Monopoly over the masses.
Police State.
Gullible Followers
All conned the Ignorant
Gullible Followers Blind to Reality or Hiding From It

Whose Happy with Democracy in the World

Satisfied with way democracy is working, 2017. India: 79% Germany: 73% Canada: 70% Indonesia: 69% Russia: 59% UK: 52% Poland: 51% Japan: 50% US: 46% South Africa: 43% Nigeria: 41% France: 34% Brazil: 28% Venezuela: 25% Spain: 25% Lebanon: 8% Mexico: 6%

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Train - Hey, Soul Sister (Official Music Video)

Don't Believe #Trump's Phony Economic #Nationalism!

USA happy anti-Russian sanctions bury Europe

Representatives Ask Important Questions About Big Pharma's Reliance on T...

Thousands of People in Mexico on Strike in Factories

I'm Just Me

Work Experience

Message center and delivery, tactical telecommunications, nuclear biological chemical safety and equipment management, office administration (files, publications, copy), communications security custodian, army recruitment, ammunition and small arms storage, training coordinator, hardware retail receiving and delivery, data processing center librarian, emergency room security, hospital security, telecommunications center operations, army battlefield analysis (artillery, air defense), army radio operator, electronics warehouse distribution, temporary work, mortgage post closer (files, data entry, shipping), discount retail merchandising.

Single retired from the army. I am 58 and  Married 2x,  Global Democratic-Socialist-Libertarian, free global markets, influenced by consumer influence on supply and demand globally. Universal in thought, logic, reason and critical thinking. Want to spend more time enhancing my retirements. Like to travel, beach towns, beaches, seafood,  would like to live in another tropical country. internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out,  like meeting people from different cultures. Freethinker, free-spirited. like music, karaoke, economics, and social trends in the world, geopolitics. Nutrition, and herbs, multicultural. My music likes are rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. Born on John Lennon's birthday and born the year Kennedy was elected.  

Military Training: Nuclear Biological Chemical Safety and Training, Telecommunications Center Operations, Communications Terminology, Primary Leadership Development, German Culture, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Principals of Counseling, Training Management, Communications Security Hardware and Software Storage, Alcohol and Drug Coordination Testing and Counseling, Publications Clerk Course, Basic Leadership Course, Advanced Leadership Course, Small Arms Maintenance and Storage.

College: English , Speech , History,  Psychology, Technical Math, College Orientation, Physical Conditioning, Personnel Management, Physical Education, Intro to Management, Sales Techniques, Accounting 1, Accounting 2, Korean Grammar and Writing, Management Problems, Training Management, Records Management, Supervision, Data Processing, Office Management, Law Enforcement, Sociology, Economics. 

I think money matters, don't tread on my freedoms,  I can be mysterious, regenerate quickly, radiate worth and being happy, excitement, visionary, no boredom,  the past you learn from and use it as a reference for the now and future. don't like being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke  I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, it's my journey,  express myself when needed, desires are important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can adapt quickly,  backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good natured, good cheer, like parties, Internet guidances over human guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money grubbers.

Political Beliefs:

54% Democratic, 51% Socialist, 50% Libertarian, 48% Green, 47% Republican, 45% Constitution, 23% Peace and Freedom.,Kasich, Yang, Booker, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Castro, Harris, Gillibrand, Klobuchar, Sanders, Delaney, Biden, Warren, Gabbard

Religious Beliefs:

Universal Unitarian 100%, Taoism 95%, Mayayana Bhudhism 93%, Liberal Quaker 93%, Religious Society of Friends 89%, Jainism 86%, New Age 86%, Hinduism 84%, Neo-Pagan 81%, Sikhism 81%, New Thought 75%, Theravada Buddhism 75%, Scientology 64%, Christian Science 63%, Mainline Liberal Christian 61%, Secular Humanism 53%, Religious Society of Friends Reformed 53%, Judaism 52%, Bahai World Citizen 41%, New Theist 34%, Morman 30%, Islam 28%, Orthodox Judaism 265, Mainline Conservative Christian 23%, Eastern Orthodox 20%, Jehovah Witness 20%, Roman Catholic 20%


Hagel 100% metaphysics, individuality, history, and logic. Nietzsche 100%,  Psychology, Asian Thought, Anarchist. Plato 100 %, Metaphysics, Ethics, Rehoric, Societal Friendship.
Aristotle 86%: Biology, Physics, Ethics, Music, Economics, and Politics
Kant: Logic, Reason, Ethics, Liberalism, Metaphysics, Critical Thinking

Morals, A Free World Market, Money Flow, According to a Majority, Islam, Communism, Extremism, Freedom of the Consumer

Morals, standards, according to the majority is what sells in a free world market, controlled by the supply and demand of that world market. Controlled by a free market of free consumers, with access to all products around the world. In turn, money flows in those directions influencing politics, elections, and governments which are not monopolizing, such as communism, Nazism, Fascism, Islamic control of a government, or in any case, religion as a part of a government, extremist government or fanatical government. Free speech, free Internet and social platform, free expression, access to this, and multicultural exchange. This changes the evolutions of the world in constant change, wherein which there would be or would not be a dominant political system, religious system controlling the masses from freedom.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Most Stressful Jobs 2017

Most stressful jobs, 2017. 1. Enlisted Military Personnel 2. Firefighter 3. Airline pilot 4. Police officer 5. Event coordinator 6. Newspaper reporter 7. Senior Corporate Executive 8. Public relations executive 9. Taxi driver 10. Broadcaster (CareerCast)

5 Unique Minority Peoples You've Never Heard Of

You Should Be Glad, She Loves You

Are You A Fortunate One?

Some folks are born to wave the flag,
Ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail to the chief",
Ooh, they point the cannon at you

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale

Some folks inherit star spangled eyes,
Ooh, they send you down to war, Lord,
And when you ask them, "How much should we give?"
Ooh, they only answer More! More! More!

Fortunate One Son

Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl

Prepared Now �� Don’t Rule Out a Stock Market Crash in 2019 Yet

World GDP Growth Rates by Regions 2008-2017

Advanced economies0.2-
Euro area 0.5-
Major advanced economies (G7)-0.3-
Advanced economies excluding G7 and euro area)1.7-
European Union0.7-
Emerging market and developing economies5.
Commonwealth of Independent States5.3-
Emerging and developing Asia7.
Emerging and developing Europe3.1-
Latin America and the Caribbean3.9-
Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan4.
Middle East and North Africa4.
Sub-Saharan Africa6.