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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Trump, Saudi Arabia Proxy, North Korea, Long Term Destruction, Free World, War is Ancient, Military Complex and the Evanleglical Influence

The funny thing is that every policy adopted by Saudi Arabia helped Iran become more influential. As Thomas Friedman said about the Iranians "They know how to play Hockey, others don't". In my opinion, the best policy for Saudi Arabia to fight Iran is to do nothing. Sometimes doing nothing is the best way to handle a problem. Especially for political amateurs.
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That's certainly true. It's already clear that there are a lot of cracks in Iran's "forward position". Now that the fighting has stopped, Iraq, and to a lesser extent Syria, are looking for ways to get out from under the Iranian thumb. A war with Saudi Arabia would be great for Iran.
Gary Finneyfrock 
The same with North Korea, the same with Saudi Arabia and Iran. You can not start a war in these reasons because, in the long run, it would not be worth it with nuclear weapons involved, loss of life, messing up the global supply chain plus oil is a dying industry. Saudi Arabia has the right idea of modernizing. War is wrong for the planet anymore, human progression is and diplomatic deals, not trying to sell weapons by creating conflict and war. It is the time the US lived in the world instead of picking sides and medaling in the process. The free market, free consumerism, getting involved more with the United Nations and letting countries choose their own path. Not to make the world totally all Muslim, all Christian. It is time for worldwide free information flow, individual rights, AI and algorithms to guides. Renewable energies getting us away from fighting over oil and other fossil fuels. Trump is taking us back to the Dark Ages and it is the funniest thing it is being led by the military complex and the EVILangelist posy

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