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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Don't Be Controlled and Live Your Own Journey

Knowledge. If you fear anything, usually it is because you lack knowledge about it. Many times the thoughts that control your perception of the world around you may create a sense of fear. Then there is media, governments, and religions that promote fear to maintain control over you. Learn to live in the now and reduce that which heightens your sense of fear. There is nothing to fear. Just be and be aware of all around you.

Most controlling institutions, control freaks, religions, and fanatics want you not to change and stay on the path without veering off. They want you to bring in others for their support and financial benefits to further their cause. You have an alternative to the media through the internet, social sites, friends and groups of social sites and google search to understand the world a lot better. Learn to live life as a journey, being yours and no one else. Learn from the past as reference, live in the now and make the most of it and plan the future from what you learned from both the past and now to improve your future and share with others. Social media is the best platform for this. 

Be yourself and change it how you want to. Stay away from control freaks, fanatics, extremist, nationalist, cults, be diverse in all how you think and explore and develop your own style of critical thinking. Think free and be free-spirited and universal as one world in thought.

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