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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fear, Life's Lessons, Past, Present and Future, Change, Detach, Your Journey

On some of my fears in the past. I looked at the problems with my reaction to things I looked at like catastrophizing and attachments to things and losing them. I learned how to detach myself from situations and circumstances. Acknowledge accept and embrace certain problems and issues and it helped me to deal with them.

We learn from our past and reprogram ourselves when we come upon a similar situation in life. It is important, even hard in anger, to realize in your mind, you must use reason, analysis, and logic before reacting to a situation and not fear it. Sometimes you have to detach yourself from people, situations and future plans in your journey in life. Acknowledge that it is better to embrace change and adaptation to your environment in which you are in control and no one else, embrace new ideas and concepts for the world never stays the same and that you must be a progressive in this aspect and not the prehistoric concept of being a conservative. Embrace diversity in thought in a universal aspect.

Free trade, open borders, free thought, free spirit and globalize yourself.

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