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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The World Stage, Nationalism, Isolationism, Good Time Bubble, Depression, Diplomacy in Preventing Wars, Repeating History

Trudeau is the idiot leaving the back gate open in North America!

Gary Finneyfrock 
No the idiocy of it is that America is going back to the days of repeating history. Isolationism, nationalism, racism, evangelical fascism, prohibition, bringing it into government. They even have it installed in the White House with the military complex lobby. 1918, Woodrow Wilson tried to create the League of Nations to prevent another world ward. In doing so it did not get created. With America being isolationist, 1918-29, we did not involve ourselves in world affairs through diplomacy. Times were good with Coolidge and Hoover, then 1929 and the Great Depression. Prohibition from the far right Christians on alcohol, drugs created a black market, no jobs, banks getting robbed, etc. 1929, the New Deal reigned in and fixed the problem. 1930-38. We were still isolated from the rest of the world. 1933-43, Japan and Germany had their way with the world and then we waited and now had to get involved with not a choice in the matter from lack of diplomacy. Truman after the war created the United Nations, WW3 never happened. From 1948-to the present, we have only been in conflicts and the United Nations has worked to prevent a WW3. Now with the Trump administration supporting the church again into government and looking to the same policies as Coolidge and Hoover, we are repeating history, this time with nukes. With deaf ears, no diplomacy, not getting involved in the world stage without being imperialistic, we are setting ourselves up for the same future, which will lead to hard lessons ahead, interrupted international supply chains, market collapse and a coming World War with nuclear weapons this times.

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