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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Unions, Required Employee Savings, Backlash of Being Anti Global, Prices, Supply, Demand, Repeating History

Unions drive up cost to the consumer. What could replace this is to have companies and multi-corporations require to have either profit-sharing or mandatory 401k's for their employees and then you would be part of the greater good and contribute to the global economy. Lowering corporate taxes will help the incentive of companies returning back to America in some sense depending on when the numbers are crunched by multi-corporations and labor cost. Any rise in labor cost, the cost is passed onto the consumer, shimmies competition and the bottom line to the consumer, I know at least me, the price of that product is in front, not nationalistic pride in buying it. Protectionism, isolationism, and nationalism bought us from 1918-1944 the boom in the economic boom in neglecting the people, the common person, the Great Depression, 1929-38, the Great World War II and the Cold War because the League of Nations was not established. Now we are seeing an ugly head rising of repeating history. Being Anti-UN will backfire on us. Withdrawing from the rest of the world, nationalistic politics, religion in government, regulating the internet calling the media fake, fake news is what brought forth communism and Nazism, Fascism, Wake up America before it is too late and at this junction in progress with nuclear war. I hope in 2108 we as a nation come back to its senses.

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