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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Islam Evil or Christian Evil? A Response to

The Qur'an is a virtual declaration of war against humanity. Ordinary Muslims being unable to read the Qur'an is an irrelevancy and you know it - Muslims get them all understanding of their din from Masjids. Islam had a decline but it never fell, like other Empires - the originating Arabs just got replaced as leaders by the Turks, who were almost (what a pity) replaced by the descendants of the Mongols under Tamerlane. Islam has only ever brought terror, death, and slavery to the world, and it will completely implode once we stop respecting it as a "religion" and instead call it out for the evil political doctrine that it is.
Gary Finneyfrock 
It was Christians that ravished the Americas. Muslims and Christians always preach love but have always been killing each other, mainly because of oil. Religions are used as smokescreens for others to indulge themselves in evil with justification (fake justification). They exist in their holier than thou, hypocritical, self-righteous, greedy, prohibitionist, tax-free, con-artist worlds and some of them turn into cults which is worse than being on a drug. I think I will stick with my open mind, free-thinking, spiritual exploring mind, because there are 5000+ religions in the world today and growing and always branching out sort of like cancer.

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