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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Symptoms of a State Becoming Fascist in Our Modern Society, Now!

1. The power of a growing nationalism (NAZI)
2. Disdain for human rights
3. IDing enemies of the state and unifying cause to eliminate it from society......censorship, NSA, data mining.
4. Unexplained or reason for the building up of the military and the military complex.
5. Rampant sexism and the oppression of women and minority equal rights and the disdain for immigration as competition.
6. Being anti-free trade and anti-global in being an isolationist
7. Trying to control the Internet and the media for the cause of the state in programming the public on how to think and not being critical.
8. Obsession with national security, policing and crime (after Carter, 1 in 100 got locked up in their lifetime and now it is 7 in 100)
9. Mixing religion with religion. Yes, Islam.
10. Corporate power run amuck with oligarchs having more holdings and the expanding income gaps
11. Labor power suppression
12. Disdain for intellectual knowledge over profits.
13. Disdain for scientific intellect and expertise
14. Insulting the intelligence of the state in its nationalistic (NAZI) views
15. Disdain for individual rights of expression (art)
16. Rampant cronyism and corruption


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