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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Muslims, Christians, Hating, Cultural Divide, Fables, Deaths and Destruction Over Religion, Trump Agenda

You sound like a loving caring person, who cares about the tens of thousands of innocent people dying all over the middle east from other loving, caring and humane Muslims. I guess you relate to that as a fable too. Wake up buddy, you need to know that facts and not continue with that ignorant approach.
Response: I do like loving and caring people, but not for those who use religion as a justification for treating others who do not believe in their way or difference badly. Taking what they own and disrespecting them. Muslims and Christians have been hating and killing each other since the Dark Ages and would like to take us that way again with religions as dictatorial influence into government. Trump would be doing this now for the EVILangelist. Yes, this is fable misleading us away from the human potential in anyone and learning to live together as one world with cultural exchange being a sense in leading the world into better times. Mine is an updated approach and futuristic knowledge and not such as yours is.

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