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Thursday, September 7, 2017

White House and Its Groups of Council, Islam, Christian Fascism, Liberalism, Globalization and the Way the World Should Become

There is are sector groups in the White House that we as Americans should have known before the election. Trump said he was not a politician but a business man and politicians get nothing done, well after seven months, yeah. These groups that are puppeting the presidents agenda are the far right Christian evangelist, the military complex, nationalistic agenda, mafia (Russian and Italian), anti and  groups and billionaires. Oh! and Law Inc. The network of magachurches, private Christian schools, Law schools and universities are backing this.

Restriction of abortion, refunding of Planned Parenthood, discrimination against LGBT an the gay populations. Mixing religion with politics, which our fore bearers did not intend. The war on president's Johnson's War on Poverty, ban on Muslims because they are the rivals to the Christian global agenda, but then again the Muslims have the same intent. Mike Pence leads the Christian agenda in the White House. Under the new budget cuts proposed by the White House, health care, humanitarian issues, foreign aid, urban development will take a hit. He is slow to criticize the ideology of hate groups. He promotes greed, religious intolerance, mean spirited policies and racism. What does the Bible say about greed, being mean and being a racist.

His rejection in science reminds me of someone from the dark ages and that philosophy that was at that time. Christians are afraid of losing the trend set that they have enjoyed since the early 70's. They are afraid of what technology is bring forth in healing through human genetics. They created the drug war, to stifle peoples escape and relief from the pains of life so that they would look for a different train of thought called brainwashing. They are afraid of technological algorithms that influence people's choices in which tech companies are paying big bucks for by corporations in making future trend analysis for production for the consumer, getting behind the curve.
They are afraid of secular humanism, human involvement in singularity becoming the norm as their philosophy fades away into ancient times.Climate change is real as you can see with the latest flooding in Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Houston and in which you will see to come in Florida and Georgia, but the administration denies that is it real. 

Since the last 7 months though, Trump has been changing course, which is a good thing. The nationalist are all gone, Russian influence has faded, although you have the investigation going on. The Christian Evangelicals still exist, military lobby are still there. Around the the world, in the USA, Turkey, Russia, Philippines and yes in China, you are seeing a consolidation of power and a little bit in a form of nationalism taking place. Remember nationalism, trade wars, traditional thought and not progressive thought and isolationism is what bought us to the Great Depression and WW2 in the world and is what right now is bringing these nationalistic leaders to power. Maybe Bannon is right in saying humans forget their histories every 80 years.

Nationalistic Christians and whites see the world in black and white, living with one color, but now that being a global thing, but all should take a DNA test to learn the truth. Trump in Poland talked of the godless hoards and the threat of Islamic influences around the world and the wars that must succumb to stomp it out. Really!

The Christians today are rallying behind real estate greed "uh flip that house"! Conning, defrauding investors and people who would invest their money into false promises. The same attitude that preys on the gullible of slot machines, casinos, sham universities and economic philosophies. Megachurch prey on seed offerings, prayer products and over charge, help books, audio and video. Remember, Trump mentioned that the 80's was his favorite time of the big military complex, fake wrestling, megachurch TV evangelistic boom conning people out of their money. My grandmother was conned in this, my dad and even my sister was programmed in this aspect. 

Christian televangelist languish themselves with mansions, fancy cars, private jets, body guards, servants, shopping sprees, lavish vacations, etc. This is a tax free empire, do you have this for your business? All these traits are found in the Trump life style, elevating the family member. And who is to say how much Trump will get paid, even if he is impeached or last 4 years. I believe the USA downgrade of Trump liking Putin is just a play down.

Evangelistic ideology specifies that free flow of information counter to their agenda will physically destroy the world, like keeping you dumb and non independently thought free to evaluate things on your own. Creationism must be taught in schools. Sounding like the dark ages huh? People who are Muslims or other religious faiths, people who use drugs, counter culture pop, homosexuals, humanist, feminist, progressives, liberals are not nominal Christians in this world they want should be imprisoned, silenced, or killed. The welfare system is a competitive system that impairs them in seeking out desperate gullible people. They will believe you are poor, homeless, drug users or anything going against God's will, will hinder their progress, if you don't convert, you will be condemned. Sounds like Islamic, it does not? The wars in the Middle East are to stomp out Muslim influence around the world by creating conflict, sell weapon in making money from fear and conflict, splitting the Shiites against the Muslims, and the oil of course. Welcome to the upcoming dark ages.

Most evangelical who are Trump supporters are white, working class, because of their economic distress to globalization and the primal revenge to it want to reverse the world back where it use to be. New glory and moral renewal where the rest of the world can be seduced by global white nationalistic control that once controlled the world and seduced the natives. This could lead to a world war again, but nuclear in contents.

Those who embrace this are anti cultural to the poorer countries and its liberal world country counterparts (Canada and Europe). They want to elevate themselves to holy worrier's such in the the content of extreme Islam too. They want to sanctify the rage into a global fascism and global jihad and caught in the middle are the globalist who know the true way to free trade, multiculturalism, free thought, free spirit and becoming one with the world. They believe that they are anointed by a God to carry out his works to clean the world of liberal demons, anti godliness, and religions that would go 
against theirs.

Christian Fascist and Muslim Extremist, not much difference, want to make the whole world Godly and take the modern progress and age back to the dark ages. They condemn the so called contaminated sinners, decay of morals (which in a real since is derives from cultural traditions and according to the majority), Globalism took their jobs, destroyed their futures, and ruined the world they grew up in, not admitting they could or cannot adapt to change and remaining ignorant to the fact. It flooded their lives with alcohol (most of them drink), drugs, pornography, sexual abuse (Catholic Church), opioid (to keep you in pain, doctors and big pharmacy), domestic abuse. And in despair of people they detect are in hard times and gullible and desperate to the fact that they have to escape into another non reality that they just came from. God will save you, God will intervene, he will protect you under the wings of our ministry that you are carried out to do the bidding of the church and in turn you will be given the riches of the world, be powerful and happy, and be forgiven of any sins you commit in the future, but not those who do not repent..............O...............K........?

The world must learn to become rational, logical and speak the fact based upon discovered evidence. Not hatred, fear. People like these joined the NAZI movement in Germany that later destroyed their country. Similarities persist today. We need well public schools, private are good, but they all do not have to Godly. We need worldwide universal heath care, universal thought, bought together through the United Nations. Markets, laws, free thought, free flow of information, free to be spiritual in anyway a independent minded person wants to be. Free universities and life long funded learning. 

Let us not stand at the open gates of the city waiting passively for the barbarians. They are coming. They are slouching towards Bethlehem. Let us shake off our complacency and cynicism. Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for the poor and the working class. Let us give all Americans a reality-based hope for the future. Time is running out. If we do not act, American fascists, clutching Christian crosses, waving American flags and orchestrating mass recitations of the pledge of allegiance, united behind the ludicrous figure of Donald Trump, will ride this rage to power.

Let the world be globalized without wars, conflict, hate, nationalistic country powers trying to control and manipulate to their global benefits. There are many forms of globalization, the one I see is of individual freedom, open borders, open societal, multicultural mixing and an ever changing one filled with opportunity for anyone no matter the race, economic condition or independent philosophy. Let the world move in the way of technological progress, algorithms, singularity, free trade and solve the problems by coming together to solve problems thought the United Nations and coalitions.

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