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Saturday, September 23, 2017


As someone high on openness, I have a strong appreciation for beauty, both in art and nature. Indeed, it’s likely that I am easily absorbed in music and art, as well as natural phenomena. Another aspect of my openness is my emotional insight; that is, I probably have good access to and awareness of my own emotions.

Another aspect of the openness dimension is the tendency to think about abstract concepts and ideas. This thinking style may take the form of artistic and metaphorical use of language, and/or music or performance. Thus, it is likely that, either in my work or spare time, I enjoy activities that get my “creative juices” flowing.

My tendency to be open-minded can have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, when there are no clear rules about how to approach a particular problem, my openness makes it easier for me to identify new ways to solve problems that might not be very obvious to people that are not as open as I am. In contrast, I may be bored easily in situations that lack high amounts of intellectual stimulation. In such cases, I might have difficulty excelling on projects that do not provide much stimulation or require much creative thinking.

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