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Friday, September 22, 2017

My Self Conifidence

As someone with moderate self-confidence, I generally feel comfortable interacting with other people. In particular, I find the company of friends comforting and occasionally enjoy meeting new people. I tend to be relaxed in groups, which makes people around me relaxed too. Perhaps because I feel comfortable talking about myself, others tend to enjoy being around me and perceive me as friendly. 

My social confidence also spills into my personal beliefs about myself. Although I have several strengths, I tend to acknowledge and accept my weaknesses. However, I sometimes regret things I've done or said in the past, and occasionally get embarrassed by these things. 

When it comes to your professional life, I tend to set moderate to high standards for yourself. My work performance should provide ample evidence for this. With this and my sociability, friends, and colleagues tend to see me as someone who can provide sound advice. 

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