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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Taking It Easy

Taking it easy refers to one's ability to relax. I appear to “take things as they come” and enjoy having a good time. However, being easy going also has the potential to produce stress in a number of ways. For example, I may find it difficult to complete tasks thoroughly and efficiently. In this way, being easy going cannot only make my life difficult, it can also interfere with lives of the people around me. Another potential problem with being too high in easy going is that it can provide me with gratification in the short-term, but in the long-term provide undesirable consequences. 

Being easy going, even when not seriously destructive, may also diminish my effectiveness at work, for example. I may find it aversive and difficult to put in all the effort that may sometimes be needed to effectively accomplish certain tasks. For this reason, my colleagues might view me as forgetful and unfocused.

But who gives a damn, that is what getting old and being retired is all about.

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