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Monday, September 18, 2017

Trump and the United Nations, Paris Climate Agreement, Iran and North Korea Problems, Universal Healthcare, DACA and Causing WW3

Trump is gathering at the United Nations with world leaders, in that he finally gets it that he has to work with the rest of the world to solve problems and not listen to a bunch of nationalistic Nazism and that in the world of globalization, you cannot isolate yourself from the rest of the world to solve problems.

We should join together in the solving global warming, but do it in a way of not hindering poor nations in solving their energy needs. In free market economies, the consumer should control energy demand and supplies without subsidies.
It is a given that global warming can be saved by solar and wind powers, but it has to inexpensive to the poor person or they have to go to other sources, mainly the cheapest. 

Iran like North Korea wants a nuclear weapons because it is an insurance policy to maintaining themselves in power, but they will never use them, because they also want to live, like everyone else. You see no one wins in a nuclear war, and no one would survive, so is it really fine to force the issue into a WW3, and risk the entire enilation of the world because we did not want no one else to have nuclear weapons, except the super powers. It like you being in the neighborhood with a gun and telling everyone else they could not have on.

You know scrap the Obamacare, Trump care and go with a single-payer healthcare system in which 60+% of the US population wants and quit trying to satisfy big pharma, healthcare giants, and the big insurance companies. It is the ultimate fix and Bernie Sanders has the right idea.

We should stay the course with Iran on the nuclear agreement and not stir the pot anymore than is needs to be, pissing Qatar off so we can sell weapons to Saudi Arabia was wrong. Leave North Korea to Russia and China and if they make a bad move, turn them into burnt pop tarts, but taunting and creating situations in the world to cause a thermonuclear war is real stupid. We as Americans need to start thinking about our needs back home instead of trying to be Imperial America and policing the world, we have enough problems here at home.

DACA  need to be left alone too. Underage persons who were brought to this country who have been schooled held down jobs and paid taxes into the US systems should be given citizenship in this country if they desire. We need these people for the services they provide, the taxes that they pay, the contribution to this country, the social security safety net and the social welfare of the US system.

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