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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump Influences, A Middle Ground Government, Trump Coalitions, North Korea and Iran, Nuclear Poliferation, Learning the Presidency, Shiites and Sunnis and Diplomacy

Couple of subjects I wish to talk about that has been on my mind through this Trump experiment we have been through. Trump is learning as any other new president that has come into the office. It is you can be any kind of president you want to be, authoritarian, one sided one party but none of those will work.

Our legislative branches work on a compromise, debates, meeting each other halfway not in gridlock because nothing gets done like that, sort of like business and the customer is the most important, the voter, tax payer, the US citizen in which all presidents, congress, and senators work for.

First off things have been getting better in the Trump administration. Got rid of the Nationalist in the cabinet (NAZIs), Bannon etc. Got or getting rid of the Zionist, Kushner. The Russian mafia ties from a manipulated election. The only thing left is the big fossil fuel oligarch companies pressuring the administration and big oil. The military complex. The billionaire counsel is about done because it about has all been abolished. Finally, the evangelist (con artist) per say who dwell on gullible desperate people in hard time. He even has a counsel for that.

North Korea: We do not want a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula. No one would win, and it would throw the world economy into a tail spin, not to mention kill a lot of people. I was in the army national guard as a battlefield analyst. 8 years, I studied the North Korean army, the Chinese armies, and Russian, at that time the Soviet Union. We do not want to go there. We cannot no longer afford more wars and being the military police of the world. It is why you don't have good healthcare, why we have a large debt, why in the world there are so many displaced refugees etc.

Trump's finally coming around to being a deal maker again. If only he would leave these groups that got him elected out of his ears and him communicating not with the special interest in his cabinet, the people's representatives and working across the aisle and making deals that would get a middle of the road compromise to move legislation in congress and the senate.

I commend him making a deal with the Democrats in Congress and would like to see him work the proposed bill that Bernie Sanders set forth in creating a single payer system, universal healthcare proposed and passed.

The tax cuts he wants is great, but can we afford it. The average corporate rate around the world is 22%, sounds good, at least we would be at the center of world economics. Go for that, numbers don't lie.

He must comprimise and negotiate with the Chinese and the Russians in dealing with solutions in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Powder keg for oil world war. Not to mention the strife of the Shiite and Sunni separatism. A Civil War waiting to happen. Oil is not that important anymore with the trend set of solar and wind energy technologies

It is better in this world when the United Nations, diplomacy, coalitions work together to solve problems in this world because we all have to live together and share the only globe we have.
We must think free, have a free flow of markets, free flow of information and think of all people in the world in humanitarian aspects. Yes, sometimes we will have to use force to bring about democracy when all diplomatic and United Nations have failed.

A nuclear proliferation of Iran and North Korea is not a danger because all they want is an insurance policy to stay in power. The only way to correct a situation in a country is to get a majority of the population changing it because of their distaste for the regimes or governments. Diplomacy and internal influences work better than wars.

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