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Thursday, September 14, 2017

The Kurd's Independence Referendum and Freedom for the Chinese People

The Kurds are presenting a referendum to the global international community. It is wanting independence in which it deserves for its contribution towards the fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Syria, Iraq are against it for the territorial losses, Turkey is against it because they do not a Kurdish nation on it's borders.

Most likely Russia and Iran will side with Syria. The USA needs to side with the Kurds, because without the Kurds, we would not have gotten so far in progress in defeating ISIS.

China. China need to relnquist more powers to its people. Communist China is only in power because of free reign in capitalism in the southern portions of the country and the stock markets in Shanghai and Hong Kong. In that part is the Hon Chinese ethic heritage and the Communist government of China resides in the north, Beijing. The money and cash cow is in the south not the north.

Free elections should be formed to create a better and more peaceful prosperous China, for the people, free flow of information, freedom of the press, creating free markets, free thinking, freedom of spirit, and a consumer driven market not controlled by a one party system that cracks down on minds of independence.

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